Chapter 8 - Welcome to the Class! Introduce Yourselves.

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It took well over an hour, but I got all of my crews "quirk" descriptions written out, as well as their "names" and (after contacting each of them) designed them hero outfits, though, they wouldn't be ready for a couple days at least.

I was told by Nezu that we would be able to stay in the dorm rooms the school provided, and that we could join in with some of the hero classes with 1-A or 1-B if we so wished. I accepted, glad I didn't have to push for it. 

He allowed me to speak with my crew where I handed them their new identities and told them to learn it, live it, and try to keep on the down low. I wanted to slowly build up to showing how powerful we are, not just let it all go immediately.

Our first order in the school, after getting all set up in the dorms, was to join 1-A for one on one sparring, but first, we'd need to introduce ourselves. Some of the students, Yao-Momo, Baka-gou, Broccoli Boy etc, had already heard them call each other by their Steve names, but Illusion was able to veil that easily.

And so we headed out to the field, a huge grassy area, to spar, Aizawa-sensei in the lead. There was slightly discontented muttering behind me, and I glanced back. The Human Pikachu was whispering to Kirishima.

"I thought we were supposed to have All Might now?"

"Yeah." Eijiro muttered back. "I wonder what's happened."

I slowed my pace to walk beside them. "Oh, yeah, he got into a tussle with my brother. He's hurt, but I'm sure he'll be fine soon." I smiled cheerfully. Sabre had decided to stay back at the dorms and nap or something.

"All Might got hurt? No way." Denki Kalamari scoffed.

I just kept smiling. "Yes way. Wait until you meet my brother. None of you would last a second against him." Our voises were slowing getting louder. Aizawa was ignoring us. Others weren't.

"I'm sure I could beat that dunce in a second." The Fire Pomeranian said dismissively.

I just laughed, which seemed to enrage him. 

"Huh? You don't think I could?!"

Ha. Triggered his temper. He'd be fun to fight. I just shrugged, which made him angrier.


When we got to the field, we separated out into two groups, class 1-A, and my crew. SImple enough.

"We're going to test out quirks. You're all going to draw a number from this box, and whoevers numbers yours matches to will be your opponent." Aizawa said barely loud enough, pulling a clearly repurposed shoebox from seemingly nowhere. "When you get your numbers, we'll go from 1 up. Introduce yourself if you haven't already and get to fighting. If you get your opponent to yield, knock them unconscious, or get them outside the area," He gestured lazily to the field, "You win."

He held the shoebox out and we each drew a number that had been hastily and sloppily written on uneven strips of paper. The pairings were the following;

1 Iida v.s. Yaoyorozu (Battle of the Elites)

2 Midoriya v.s. Glitch (Me :3)

3 Satou v.s. Shouji (Battle of the Bores TvT)

4 Ashido v.s. Negative (This'll be interesting...)

5 Kaminari v.s. Nightmare (There is going to be so much electricity)

6 Koda v.s. Ghost (It's the two shy boys)

7 Kirishima v.s. Elemental (I don't know how this one will pan out)

8 Sero v.s. Hagakure (Is she gonna get naked again?)

9 Aoyama v.s. Bakugou (He was positively fuming)

10 Ururaka drew a number that didn't match any, she gets to sit out, or join in any she wants to.

11 Asui v.s. Positive (He's never even heard of frogs. I honestly don't know who'd win)

12 Ojiro v.s. Illusion (This is going to end so fast, poor Ojiro)

13 Time v.s. Jirou(I know who's stronger, but I think he'll go easy on her)

14 Todoroki v.s. Mineta (I just dont like either of these two that much. Sorry.)

We all stood by as we waited for the first fight to begin. It was faced paced, yet long winded, with lots of dodging and creating, but after all of it, Yaoyorozu came out on top, managing to trap and pin Iida. We discussed who did what well, and each of them praised the other and pointed out faults and they both promised to do better next time, in their own way.

And then it was my turn. 


Hey, so, I'm gonna leave this a few days, what do you guys reckon? Should I show him my power in whole, or leave him guessing? I have an idea, but I wanna see what you guys think. Also, any story ideas or things you wanna see at all, thats very welcome. Just comment anywhere on any chapter. I'm trying to get back into a writing groove. I love you all! Talk soon! <3

- Glitch

801 words ^^

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