Chapter 2 - Aizawa Sensei?

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Not even five minutes later, everyone had come through the portal. They all looked, well, mostly Human, whilst remaining colorful. 

Galaxy had dark purple hair that glittered, with matching off-the-shoulder crop top and elbow length sheer gloves. He also had glowing yellow eyes. His entire person just... glittered. He was gorgeous.

Positive and Negative wore tunics, Positives yellow with a big white plus symbol sash thingy, and Negatives red, with a white band across his chest, his minus sign. Positive had a plus sign on each cheek, just below the eyes, and Negative had a minus sign in the same spots. 

Ghost had a torn gray tee on, with dust coated ripped jeans. His hair was disheveled and a silvery gray. His eyes were large, grey and watery. He was almost translucent. Humans are not translucent, last I checked...

And then there was Nightmare. Instead of his normal blonde hair and chestnut eyes, he had black tipped yellow hair, and gorgeous pure red eyes. He was wearing a nice yellow suit, hemmed with black with a red pocket square. Not my style, but he rocked it like anything. 

He smiled at me, then his face changed to one of masked shock, pointing at my eyes. I reached up and touched right under my eyes, and withdrew immediately, fingers dripping with a thick black liquid. I quickly took the thick ribbon from my hair and tied it around my eyes in a makeshift blindfold, and wiped away the rest of the liquid that was slowly making its way down my face before anyone else could see.

"What was that? Is that why you always keep a blindfold on?" He asked, concern written all over his face.

I lowered my head and ignored the question. "I, uh, I think Galaxy got the realm wrong."

He furrowed his brow, the looked around. "Well, what should we do then?"

"I need to ask Galaxy something. Just stay here, and try to calm Positive down." I pointed to a hyperventilating Positive, who was confused by the lack of cubes. Nightmare nodded and walked over towards him. I turned in the opposite direction, to talk with galaxy. He was talking with Time, but broke off as I approached.

"I'm hungry. Are there any sandwiches in this realm Glitch?" He asked smiling. Time started to walk away, but I beckoned him back.

"You need to be here too Time." He nodded and walked back. Facing Galaxy, I asked, "How much power did you use to get us to this realm exactly?"

He looked down at his hands and started counting on his fingers. I tapped the hard plastic floor with my foot impatiently. Finally, he spoke. "About, um, ninety-three percent." He smiled a  goofy grin at me.

"OK," I sighed, exasperated. "You can go rest a little now." He walked away, still asking if anyone had food. I turned to Time, who seemed to be supressing laughter.

"Um, OK then. Well, Time, I need you to do something for me. Uh, I mean two things. Are you up for it?"

"Sure, what is it?" he replied, finally controlling his laughter.

I smiled in confusion, and shook my head. "First thing, I would like you to keep an eye on Galaxy. Make sure he doesn't use any more of his power, or else it is black hole time. Ya know?" Time nodded his head. "Secondly, I was wondering if you could make everyone seem, well, a little younger. 'cause right now, I am feeling really short."

He raised an eyebrow. "How much younger, Glitch?"

"Well," I started. "Maybe make them about, oh I don't know, 15 or 16 on average maybe...?"

Time ran a hand through his short hair. "That would take quite a lot of power, but sure, my Queen." He said teasingly.

I sighed heavily, but then smiled gratefully.

I called everyone together. "OK, listen up. I have good news, bad news, and neutral news. Bad news; we are in the wrong realm." The look on everyone's faces was priceless. " Good news; we are probably close to the right dimension, as you are no longer in your Steve forms, but not quite human forms." Silence. "Other news; Time will now make you all my age." I finished with a grin on my face. Before anyone could protest, Time raised his hand and a whole thunderstom of lightning hit everyone, and finally himself.

The cacophony must have been pretty loud, as a moment later, a door in the hallway opened, and out stepped a man with jet black hair, black bloodshot eyes, and a very, very long scarf wound around his neck. I looked at him in disbelief. "Aizawa Sensei?!"

Ok, been a while, I love you all! 775 words ^^

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