Chapter 6 - Some Kinda Backstory, Maybe.

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"Thanks! I knew it was somewhere around there. You back to normal?" I beamed at him.

Most of the black marks on his skin were fading, though none disappeared completely. "What's normal?"

I laughed. "Wish I knew."

Nightmare poked his head back in and, once he saw my blade in Sabres body, backed right out of there. I looked down at my blade and pulled it back out. A thick black liquid, similar to my eye goop, flushed out of his wound and trickled to a stop as his flesh reformed. Now he just had a black-stained hole in his shirt.

"I liked this shirt..." He complained.

I smiled. "So did I. What are you doing here Sabre? Where have you been? I've been looking for you for years." I was no longer smiling.

"I just..." He sighed and shook his head. "Had some complications with the whole Shadow Fiasco. I dont know how you put up with the stuff."

I shrugged slightly. "Since dad corrupted me, I kinda had to. I still, well, glitch all the time, but it's getting easier, bit by bit. And 'she' doesn't torture me as much, not for fun. Being the only person she can really talk to, she's learnt to put up with me so I would talk to her more." 

He nodded. "Well, that's something at least. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch for a while. As you know, I don't have any realm maneuvering powers, and I didn't much feel like dying to get to the next realm, especially without knowing if you'd be there or not.
"But wait, you're with Nightmare, you found your way to the Steve realm... when?"

I sighed. "Just after you died there and moved on. The Steve's there were still upset about your leaving. I was too, but I couldn't follow you. I was frustrated, and couldn't see clearly enough to follow you. I'm sorry..." My ribbon was soaking through with the liquid, and some dripped down my cheek.

"Hey, hey, it's ok." He said soothingly.  "We're here now, right? In this strange, strange realm... The guy that pinned me against the wall was crazy strong, but not invincible. And he was super scrawny, like, he looked like a noodle. Then 'poof'! He was big and strong and Shadow took over and he pinned me." He patted his pockets before pulling out a thin strip of durable fabric. 

I took off my ribbon and let it drop with a *squelch* and tied the blindfold around my eyes, wiping the rest of the liquid off my face. "Yeah, I know. I know where we are. In our realm of origin, this place is just an anime, and this realm is an offshoot of the main one. I was taking my group of friends to our world, maybe to find you, if possible, but something happened with Galaxy's portal and we ended up here."

"I was dragged through a portal that definitely looked like one of his... what if his portals appeared all through the realms?"

"I think it might have targeted you... If my theory is correct, either its just you here, its all of us siblings, those who are still around and not fragmented... or just randombly spawned portals around our previous universes... who knows who else was brought here?" 
Suddenly, I thought of a really, really bad thing that could cause quite a problem. "Sabre... what if-"

I was cut off by the mouse of a principal and Aizawa coming barging through the door. Aizawas shirt was smoking slightly and he had my husband tied up tightly. Everytime Aizawa blinked, Nightmare would spark with electricity and start to smoke.

"C-calm down N-night-tmare." I sighed. "S-s-so, what a-are yo-ou g-going to-to do with usss?" I was glitching pretty badly now, for some reason. Sabre put a hand on my shoulder.

"You seem to be the ringleader, come talk to me in my office." Nezu chirped cheerfully.

I nodded.


No clue how to move this along, brand new chapter, brand new me. I'll try to keep with this story, I like it a lot. And I love you heaps!

- Glitch, signing off at 683 words

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