Chapter 7 - In the Office, Breaking Brains

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Nezu's office was one of the cleanest, tidiest places I'd seen in my life. The windows were spotless, I almost didn't realise there were even  panes of glass there. Neither did that poor bird I saw...

There was a teapot, two teacups and saucers, a tablet, and little else on his desk. He was sitting on a booster seat upon his office chair, and I sat on the opposite seat, lounging back a little. It was surprisingly comfortable.

"Tea?" He offered, pouring his own. 

I nodded, "Thanks."

He poured me one too. His paws seemed too small to pick up the pot, but he managed with skill he'd gained over the years. We sat in silence for a moment. He studied me as I had some tea, and he sipped his himself. One of us had to break the silence, and it sure as heck wouldn't be me.

Minutes, whole minutes, later, he piped up. "Who are you?"

Simple enough question for most. So, I thought I should answer it simply. "Glitch."

"Glitch who?"

"Ah, last names aren't common where I'm from. I guess, Glitch Bryan would be my commonised name. but if you wanted a human name..." I thought for a moment. I didnt want to give my real name, for no reason other than it was my own. "Grace Bryan works."

"Where are you from?" He seemed to want to take in as much information as possible. Good strategy, usually. Maybe not now.

"Everywhere. Where was I born? I was born in two places. The Prime universe, and MinePrime. Where have I lived? I've lived in many different universes, mostly within the MinePrime's offshoots."


"Yes. I am what is called a code jumper, meaning I can pass through different universes. Think of it like this. Imagine a world just like this, though villains are heros and vice versa. All Might exists only to cause pain and damage to the world, where as villains like Shigaraki are heroes, Shigaraki himself specializing in rescue hero work, being able to destroy rubble and pull people from wrecks. 
"A prime universe is the original universe. There is the Prime universe, where all other universes are wildly different offshoots, but each of those offshoots is a prime in themselves, with offshoots of there own."

He seemed to believe me, nodding along. "This universe that we reside in, is it the Prime universe of this branch?"

Ok, so he did believe me. "Based solely off what I've seen so far... no. In the Prime universe, Shinsou is only able to control people actions, not their thoughts and speech patterns. He could make someone say something he has said, but not make them say whats in their thoughts. He would have been useless as an interrogator, which I'm assuming  he was brought in for?"

"You are correct. This is unnerving." Despite that, he seemed to be grinning. "So you know all this because you are from the Prime universe?"

"Yes. In the Prime universe, this world's Prime is actually a manga turned anime."

"Wow, thats amazing! Are all Offshoot Primes from manga, or anime?"

"Not quite. Some are regular TV shows, some are youtube series, some are people imaginations, some are books, and some are just different versions of the Prime universe."

He nodded his little head. "What were your intentions coming here?"

"We didn't mean to. One of my friends in the group has the power to teleport between universes or realms, allowing him to take multiple people where I can only take a plus one. However we had to crash here as his power was running low, and should he completely run out well..."


"He would turn into a black hole powerful enough to suck in every universe until even the Prime universe is gone."


"Yes, so I hope you don't mind if we crash here for a while, just until he gets his strength back."

"No, not at all! You said everyone in your group is good, right? Reformed villains and what not? Should anyone get out of hand you're at the best hero school in Japan, in the world even! We can keep an eye on you here and keep you safe."

I smiled, grateful. "Thank you."

"But, I have the feeling you would want to keep this on the down low? Why dont we make up some reason for their appearance and make quirk sheets, I'll help explain this world to them, and when you go, noone will even know you were from a different universe."

"Sounds great!"

It took us a while, but eventually we made up names, quirk explanations, and costumes as per my request, so we too could attend the prestigous hero academy!


Oh goodness, what have I gotten myself into? Well, give me a few days. I'll make a new story on here and link it with all their descriptions, and then I'll continue with the story! Love you all! <3

- Glitch

802 words ^^

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