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A/n:so i kinda wanted to do this one for fun so uh yeah. Spoilers from the game which was from 5 years ago and was inspired by it because i played some deltarune fangame.

-3rd person POV-
its raining youre trapped in some kind of jail cell not any kind of normal jail cell both your hands were tied onto some kind of electric wire which shocks you whenever its done recharging there was no one else but you and the jailer known as Expunged,he was the one who brought you here because of how strong you were and now here you are weak and pathetic trapped in a jail cell.

You heard footsteps infront of you and you knew who that was since there were only 2 people in the place you were in the cell then shocks you again hurting you abit,expunged then held up your face for you to look directly into his face.

"You were a wepon. A bringer of death."

You get shocked again.

"And now,you're nothing."

"I will keep on killing you. Again and again."

"I am your future..an eternity of slow. Painful. Deaths."

You then passed out after getting hit by something.

10 minutes later.

"I hear thunder,pitter patter."
"Time to wake up Y/n."

You now woke up still stuck in the jail cell but you see a figure infront of you,they wore a black hat a yellow scarf with a black and red striped sweater they also wore brown boots and brown pants.

"Get out if jail."


You then fall off from your cell and face planted onto the floor as you slid down the pathway. You got up and now you were infront of the figure.

 You got up and now you were infront of the figure

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(I did my best to draw this)

"Kill him and be free. Free as the wind."

You then walked past the figure and picked up a sword and a laser gun that it gave to you to fight.

"Get the key and dodge his attacks,you havw choices when you deafet him."

"I will give you my strength for goodluck."

You then felt abit stronger and had the confidence to fight. You continued to walk forward where you see alot of sand poffs,you kept walking forward and now your in the area where Expunged is standing holding some kind of weapon an odd purple like ring is behind him and he looked at you.

"Every step youve taken from that cell ill make you regret."

"You listen to me and you listen well. Youd never escape."

He stabbed the ground as it shakes from the impact.

"I'll swear ill put you right back into your cell."

"Theres an easy way and the hard way. You choose."

You took out your sword.

"Good choice!"

And thus the battle had begun.

A/n:this was fun to write it was just a lil mini story thing :) ill might do more art or maybe introduce my ocs prob but oh well. I wasnt able to figure out on a title name but im working on the Yandere!dave x reader because yall really liked it so ill might be able to finish it

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