Flowers for my moon

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A/n:Heyy so I know it's discontinued but I thought on giving you some angst to fully finish this :) enjoy one last one shot <3

You stood in front of a door taking a moment to think about something. You were currently at the hospital meeting someone that you haven't seen in awhile due to you being busy and doing your job as a teacher for a certain someone.

A few seconds passed until you finally decided to open the door and enter the room. It seems like they haven't noticed you yet so you walked up to the white bed and greeted them "ah.. Y/n..! You came to visit me. I'm surprised but happy too.. " they said and gave you a weak smile "I've missed you a lot you know...? I wasn't so sure if I'd be able to see you again... "

"Hey... Look I know I haven't been visiting you a lot I was busy with work and all. I promise I'll visit you a lot more often!" You told them only receiving a small laugh. "anyways any good news from the doctors of your recovery?" You asked them but they didn't answer their smile seem to have faded "what's wrong..?" They led out a tired sigh "they told me that there's not much they can do for me and I lost motivation to do anything. So I just stared out this window waiting for the end I guess.. " they said looking out the window now "Heyy don't say that..! I'm sure you would recover sooner or later.. "

The room when silent only the sound of the heart monitor beeping "it's... Very tiring sometimes the nothingness of my days. I've been alone for some time and no one had stayed by my side ever since that incident... Ever since he died..." You remembered that event clear as day the explosion almost taking everyone's life but you managed to save them except one didn't make it out in time. "Everything has changed now right..?"

"It's really nice having you here though. The loneliness has gotten me but with you here it makes me feel better. "

"When no one else is around it kinda feels like nothing matters... "

"But when you're here it feels like there's something that matters to still be awake. "

"So.. Thank you. I'm happy you came to visit me... "

"You'll stay with me, right? "

You nodded at them and went to sit on the chair at the corner of the room.

"I wonder how long it will last though.. It's not so often that people stay here... Which has made me feel afraid of Abandonment.. "

"Watching someone walk out the door one last time is a Heartbreaking feeling sometimes. "

"The horrible feeling of me knowing that I'll never see them again. "

"I just want to reach out and yell 'no!' But I just can't do it. I can't just tell them to stay forever. "

They led out a shaky sigh "I wish I could just be free and be happy with you again like old times. "

"Do you promise you won't leave me..? "

You knew that you weren't allowed to stay with them forever since you had a maximum of only 5 hours per day to see them "I can't really accept that promise fully but I will try and visit more often. Don't worry. "

After awhile you noticed that your time is up so you got up and walked to the door "y/n...? What are you doing..? "

"I have to go my time is up.. Don't worry I promise I'll visit you tommorow. " you said and left.


It's been 2 days of your visit due to how busy you were and today was your day off so you decides to go and visit them again.

Back at the room you opened the door but something didn't feel right..

"Hey. I'm back!... Hello..? Dave are you alright...?

The room felt oddly silent you slowly walked up to the bed. There was a note on it.

'You left me. I'm already gone now. But I'm sure you'd be able to move on without me right? Promise me you'd be happy even when I'm already gone.  Love you. '

Goodbye now.

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