Yandere!bandu x reader

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Prompt:“ Your lips are as soft as I imagined them to be.”
You were tied up onto a chair,you dont know why your here and you barely remembered anything you knew that you were in someones basement the only thing you can see is a few blood stains around the room and a bloody knife on the ground. You dont know how long youve been here and your getting quite thirsty.


A few minutes passed there wasnt much to do but to just be lost in thought trying to remember how you got here and why youre tied up but failed to do so,the only thing you remembered was some odd figure infront of you holding something and laughing before passing out Your head wasnt in much pain anymore so thats fine for now.

A few seconds passed until you heard footsteps coming into the room you were in. They seem to be holding a plate filled with your (f/f) and a bottle od water they start to walk up to you with a small smile on their face a few bloodstains were noticable on their sweater some on their face too,They put the food down and picked up the utensils and inched it close to your mouth "Come on,i know your hungry say ahh!~" you were hesitant for abit but decided to eat it anyway it was surprisingly good "here have some water." They picked up the water bottle and unscrewed the cap till he inched it closer to your mouth you drank it almost emptying it you were quite thirsty and you dont know whens the last time you drank anything,you start to feel tired wanting to get some sleep you felt something under your chin.

They start to inch their face closer to yours until you felt something warm on your lips,they let go from the kiss 5 seconds later and you were blushing They giggled at your behaviour.

“ Your lips are as soft as I imagined them to be.

Nothing could go wrong...right?
A/n:yay i finished writing this :] god homework was a pain in the ass but i managed to do it and finished this YAY! anyways i hope you have a lovely day my lovely readers!

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