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A/n:Welp time for some FLUFF! also i think it might be good to read this while listening to the video above but you dont have to if you dont want to.
Bandu x reader
You and bandu had been friends for awhile ever since kindergarten you two would always walk to school together and just have a great time playing some fun childish games.

Its currently 6:50 AM and you were waiting for bandu to come out he usually wakes up late during these times but it didnt bother you much since you were used to it You decided to think about the good old times when you two were younger and just being happy.


You looked up to see bandu running up to you he was wearing his signature matching neon green sweater and hat with darkish blue pants he also wore the trans bandana you gave him.

Bandu:"Ahhh...i overslept!"

The male said there were a few toothpaste stains around his cheek and a couple of cookie crumbs.

Bandu:"Thanks for waiting for me y/n!"



Y/n:"youve got something on your let me help you."

You took out some cloth you bought incase and cleaned up his face.


Y/n:"hold still im almost done."

You were done cleaning his face up and put away the cloth a small tint of red can be seen on his face before he puffed up his cheeks in embarrassment.

Bandu:"I couldve done it myself yknow..."

You kind of laughed a little seeing his reactionbefore you realised you both had school.

Y/n:"Hey cmon now were gonna be late for school."

Bandu:"Ah! Ive completely forgotten about that! Come on lets go now!"

Bandu yelled out grabbing your left arm before running off to school with you while you kept stumbling trying to balance yourself.

9:00 AM

It was currently lunchtime you had been waiting for bandu for awhile now You decided to just eat your (f/f) [favourite food] you packed deciding to leave some for bandu since he liked the food you made,after abit you heard someone running up to you and it was bandu running up to the seat you were in and sitting down next to you panting.

Bandu:"Aaa...sorry again!"


You gave him some chocolate to which he thanked you before taking it and eating the whole thing.

Bandu:"hey y/n..?"


Bandu:"have you...checked your locker yet?"


Bandu:"N-nothing! I was just uh..asking..."

You were about to ask something but soon the school bell rang signaling all of you to get to the next class.

Bandu:"Ah..ill be going to my class now! Cya y/n!"

Soon bandu ran off to his own class leaving you alone confused on what happened so you decided to check your locker at the end of school.


It was now the end of school you checked your locker to find a little note in it so you opened it to find a letter you decided to read what it said.

'Please meet me at the cherry blossom tree behind the school building.'

'Hm..i guess why not' you thought putting some things into your locker before running to the cherry blossom tree you wondered who wanted to meet you there quite odd but you wouldnt judge whoever slipped the note into your locker.


'Cmon....please be here....'

Bandu was waiting for someone under the cherry blossom tree.

Bandu heard someone running up the hill of the cherry blossom tree he looked to see y/n still holding the letter he had slipped into the locker
He started to panick a little nervous about this.

Y/n:"Bandu what are you doing here?"


He seems to be stumbling on the words hes trying to say,you crouched down to his level since he was abit shorter than you. (lmao)

Y/n:"What did you needed me for here..?"

Bandu:"i something-"

Bandu:"its been awhile since we've been friends and...i just had this feeling ive been keeping to myself..and i built up the courage to tell you that i...."

He seemed to pause a little before sighing.

Bandu:"i love you."

It was silent for awhile you were too shocked and tried to process this for a little.

Bandu:"I-its alright if you...reject i-"

Before he could finished you cupped his face and bringing them into a soft kiss before letting go he was a blushing mess now trying to say something but wasnt able to.

Y/n:"i love you too."
A/n:Ay another done! This one was a long one but was worth it lmao. I am going to sit in the corner now.

what are you doing here? You still want more? wish to know what happens if you reject it? Well if you want that. Then i guess why not. Besides...your choices dont matter that much....

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