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By the time third hour rolled around, I was already exhausted. I was constantly made fun of for one reason or another, and every time I walked in the halls, someone felt the need to bump my shoulder, effectively causing a bruise to form. Seriously, I can already feel the big bruise forming as we speak. I understand I’m a nerd, I understand they don’t like me, but was all of this really necessary?

                Honestly, there have to be other nerds you can pick on! I screamed in my head, or so I thought. In all actuality, as I was “silently screaming inside my head” I was screaming aloud, which resulted in everybody in the hallway turning their heads and looking at me as though I had magically grown two more heads or something. I could feel a hot blush forming on my cheeks as I walked faster to my next class.

            Once I made it safely into my third hour class, I swiftly sat in my chair in the back of the classroom, scooting down so nobody would approach me. Sadly though, this technique doesn’t always work. As soon as Slate Wells walked into the classroom, locking eye contact with me, he strode right in front of my desk. He looked down at me and smiled a sly smile, like he was about to do something really sneaking—knowing Slate, he probably was.

            Slate was the star kicker on the school’s football team. He is a pretty sight, I will admit, with blonde hair and defined muscles. Pretty or not, Slate was still nothing compared to Axel, though I’d never tell him to his face.

            “What’s up, nerd?” Slate asked as he smirked at me, his eyes dancing with humor.

            “N-nothing, nothing is up” I replied, not understanding what he found so humorous.

            “DUDE, DON’T TOUCH ME THERE! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU JUST GRABBED MY JUNCK!” he screamed, his face screwed to a look of pure terror, his eyes still full of humor—even more so now. I looked at him, confused, with my own look of terror spread across my face. I hadn’t touched him, so what was he screaming about?

             A blush quickly spread across my face as I said, “what-what are you talk-talking about? I-I didn’t-I didn’t touch you?” my statement coming out as a question. I was just so confused.

            “Are you stu-stu-stuttering,now?” he said, making fun of me as he and the rest of the class laughed. Just then, the bell rang and the teacher walked in, causing everybody to take their seats and settle down.

            I can’t believe Slate can be such an asshole. I’ve down nothing to him to cause him to treat me like such shit. He just gets off on making my life a living hell. After all the work I’ve put into keeping my secret a secret, it almost got ruined because Slate Wells is a shithead.

            I sighed in relief when the bell signaling lunch rang. Now I can sit with Alie and we can discuss how shitty out days have been going. I quickly stood from my seat, gathered all my belongings, and darted out the door.

             When I made it to the lunch room, I spotted Alie across the room sitting at a table by herself. Okay, correction, she was standing on the table waving franticly at me and screaming my name, I’m guessing so I’d know where to go. I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes at her and blush. All the same, I strode over to her and sat down at what looked would be our table for the rest of the year.

            “Hey, Alie-bear.” I said with a slight wave and a shy smile on my face.

            “Baby-boo, cheer up! I heard some girls talking last hour about Axel and Candie fighting this morning!” she said excitedly, practically bouncing in her chair.

            “Oooo, details, details, woman!” I all but shouted at her, with just as much—if not more—excitement as Alie. It’s not very often Axel gets in a fight with a girl and stays with her, so I’m sure you can guess why im so excited.

            “Well,” Alie begins, knowing I’m going to hang onto every word she says. “They said that Candie was yelling at Axel for choosing to hang with his friends instead of her. Axel then yelled at her, saying he’d ‘hang with who, when ever’ he wants. This made Candie furious, so of course, being the very dramatic cheerleader she is, she slapped him in the face and marched away.” Alie finished— still excited about the whole ordeal—with a big breath of air.

            “I can’t believe it, the school’s ‘best’ couple, getting in a fight over something as stupid as not enough quality time. Even better, the stupid fight could result in them breaking up.” I whispered, looking down at the table, in awe of the entire situation.

            “I know, right?! You could totally have a chance now!” Alie replied, excitement still in her voice, as well as her eyes.

At this comment I slowly looked back up at her with a ‘really?’ look on my face, thinking she must have not been paying any mind to me this morning. Slowly, very slowly, I said, “Alie, he’s straight, hun, as well as homophobic..” as if I was teaching a six-year-old the abc’s.

She simply rolled her eyes at me, causing me to narrow mine at her in a glare, and said “I know this, P, but c’mon. How many times have you seen a movie or read a book were the homophobe falls for the little gay kid anyway, huh? Almost all of them, am I right?” I rolled my eyes this time and nodded. “Now, that’s what I thought.” she completed.

“Als, my life isn’t a book” I said calmly, setting my head on the table just to have the bell ring, ending lunch. 


picture of Slate Wells 

Nerd Vs. Jock: Who Will Win? (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now