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I stopped dead in my tracks, turning toward the voice to see who it was. Studying the figure in front of me, I looked straight into blue eyes that I'm more than positive I've seen before. It took me a minute to calm down my beating heart and realize where I'd seen those eyes before.

I saw them when I looked in the mirror just twenty minutes before, though they're not exactly the same eyes since I'm not currently staring at myself but what happens to be my brother.

"Dude, what are you doing here?" I ask excitedly. "I thought you were in New York for collage!" I say, jumping up and wrapping my arms around the curly haired, blue eyed boy in front of me.

We have the same color hair, same color eyes, and very similarly shaped faces. The only difference, his hair is curly while mine is straight.

"Well, well, well little brother, I didn't realize you'd miss me that bad." Max chuckles, hugging me back.

"Really? How could I not miss you? I've been in the house for months alone with Mom. Seriously, I think I need an award." I look up at him after I let him go. We both laugh for while because we both know it's the truth. "Why did you have to scare me like that? I really thought I was gonna get raped!" I punch him in the shoulder once I remember how he got my attention to begin with.

"I felt it'd be pretty funny." He shrugs, reaching in his back pocket and producing a pack of cigarettes. "Want one?"

"Ugh, gross." I scrunch my face, declining. "You know, Mom might kill you if she catches with those things. If they don't kill you first, that is."

We continue on our way to my school so I'm too late, though I don't that'll really matter since all the teachers loved Max when he was in school, being the star football player and all.

"So, does my little bro have a boyfriend yet?" He asks, shocking me greatly, as well as causing me to blush like mad.

"W-what are you talking about?" I chuckle nervously, hoping he doesn't notice my stutter. "I'm not gay, dude." I say more confidently now, but still not confident enough. Shit.

"C'mon, man! You can't seriously think you can fool me! I'm your big brother, I know everything about you. You may not believe this, but I pay attention to you. I saw how you used to look at that one guy. What was his name? Alex? Ace?"

"Axel, his name is Axel." I quietly tell him, knowing I'm definitely giving away my biggest secrete.

"Yes! Axel, that's his name. Wasn't he on the football team with me?" I shook my head yes, answering his question. "Hmm, you'd think I'd remember."

We finally arrived at school, everyone looking at us, most likely because I was with the school's best quarterback in ten years (not counting Axel, of course). Max didn't seem to notice the stares, more than likely used to them.

"But, uh, how's that going? The whole crush thing?"

"Actually, we were assigned partners in Mrs. Winchester's class. For some reason, she thought it was a good idea to assign a project at the beginning of the year?" I tell him, the last statement sounding more like a question than an actual statement.

"Oh yeah, I remember her, and that project. Don't worry it doesn't last as long as you might think" he replies, not realizing that that didn't help since I want it to last a while.

We continue down the halls to my first class, being stopped every once in a while by football players and girls talking to Max, not seeming to notice that we were talking. Then again, why would I expect anything else? It's not like they notice me any other day, unless they're making fun of me, that is.

Once we make it to my first hour, having missed homeroom because we were talking in the streets for quite some time, I lost count on how many people stopped Max to talk to him.

"Here you are, Pierce." Max says as we enter the room. I see, out of the corner of my eye, Alie checking out my brother. She's had the biggest crush on him since we were little, no lie. But once I look straight at her, I notice her... glaring at me? What?

"Pierce Schock! How could you leave like that and miss homeroom? You had me worried sick! I thought you were kidnapped or something!" she says, causing people to chuckle, including Max and me.

"I'm sorry Mom, I didn't realize I couldn't be the tiniest bit late" I roll my eyes at, smiling. She rolls her eyes as well, not really caring because I brought Max with me. She'll thank me later.


I know there aren't many interactions between Pierce and Axel, but just stick with me here. it's just the beginning. picture of Max.

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