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"H-how did you... Where did you..." I stammer, not quite sure what I'm saying myself. None of what I just said even made any since. I don't even know why I said it to begin with. I guess I was just a bit shocked that he had my favorite book written by S.E. Hinton. Sure, Fahrenheit 451 is my all time favorite, but The Outsiders is my favorite when it comes to S.E. Hinton.

"She's my second favorite author, behind Ray Bradbury, of course." He shrugs, looking at his feet.

"But how could you have possibly known that is my favorite book by her?" I ask, astounded.

"Wait, wait just one minute. That's my favorite book written by her as well. Wow, this just got a bit weird, huh?" he responded, obviously surprised that a nerd like me has the same taste as a jock like him. Axel might just have a bit of nerd in him after all.

"Looks like you may have a bit of nerd in you after all, huh?" I voice, waiting for a reaction. I probably shouldn't have said that, seeing as though he is a jock. I could very well get the shit beat out of me.

"Ha, yeah right." He rolls his eyes, obviously not happy about the idea of him being a nerd.

"Hey," I defend, "it's not that bad, being a nerd."

Axel looks at me strangely, "are you pouting?" he asks.

"Uh, n-no," I clear my voice when I notice I stuttered, "of course not." I pout even more.

"Yeah, okay." He states sarcastically. "Then why are you pouting even more than you were before?"

"Ugh! You're exhausting!" I nearly yell, continuing to pout like a small child. After about a minute or two of him staring at me and me pouting, I roll my eyes and give in, "yes, oh my God, yes. I was pouting."

"You still are," he states in a sing-song voice. What an ass. What do I even see in him? Oh, right, he's hot as fuck. Geez, I'm so superficial. I roll my eyes again, but end up smiling anyway. "Anyway, I need to get ready so..." he trails off after he looks down at his phone. He puts away the book and turns back toward me.

I get off his floor and head toward his bedroom door before remembering something. I turn back around and head back to the spot a came from, bending down and picking up my backpack. I then turn to leave again but stop dead in my tracks when I feel something grab my arm. I turn back around once again, this time coming face-to-face with Axel Wilkins. "Um..." I breathe, not quite sure what he's doing.

"I-I just wanted to say that we should meet at your house Monday after school." He stutters, probably not expecting to end up in such close proximity.

"What about football?" I blink, pretty positive he has football practices on Mondays. Wasn't that one of the reasons making it so hard for us to get this project done in the first place?

"Actually," he begins, for some reason not backing away, "coach cancelled next week's practices for some kind of family reason, I don't really know what." He finishes.

"Well, um, alright then..." I trail off, not really wanting to move from this position with him. Knowing I have to leave so he can get ready and not wanting to make this anymore awkward, I remove myself from his grasp and tightly hold onto my backpack strap, as to keep myself from grabbing him instead. "Well, I guess I'll just go then, so you can get ready." I sigh, still not wanting to leave just yet.

"Yeah, see you Monday." He says with a confused look on his face. I wonder why he seems so confused...

I walk out of his house, fully expecting to go home, but surprised when I see I'm heading the exact opposite way of my house. Not really caring where my feet are taking me anymore, I shrug and allow them to carry me around town, giving myself some time and space to think.

I ended up walking all the way across town and in front of a book store. I guess it's not that surprising since I was just talking about books with Axel. I look around and decide, why not? So, I make my way into the book store and toward the Starbucks inside.

"What can I get for you?" the lady at the counter asks me in a sickly sweet tone. I look up and smile at her, telling her I'd like a Grande Caramel Frappuccino. She smiles at me and says, "That'll be $3.74." that's ridiculous. Either way, I reach into my pocket and produce the money I owe, taking my receipt, and then waiting off to the side for my order.

"Pierce!" I hear a few minutes later. Realizing this must be my drink, I quickly make my way to the counter to get my frap. I then find a table and get comfortable so I can concentrate on rereading Fahrenheit 451.

I only got through three chapters before deciding I better head home before it gets too dark, seeing as I walked all the way here. Not to mention the fact it's all the way across town. So, I get up and head toward the door.

What's the smartest way to walk? Keep your head up. I ended up learning that the hard way when I ended up running straight into someone's chest, knocking myself to the ground, the other person being perfectly fine. Why oh why do I have to be so clumsy?

"Need a hand?" I hear above me before seeing a hand held out for me to take. I look up, wondering; just who did I run into? I blink, not really expecting to see such a gorgeous boy right in front of me, offering me his hand, not knowing who I am no doubt. If he did know who I was, he probably would have left me to fend for myself.

"S-sorry, I-I didn't mean to run into you." I stutter like an idiot. Taking his hand, I smile shyly at him and say, "thanks, and sorry again, complete accident. I wasn't looking where I was going and, yeah... Anyway, are you new to town or something? I haven't seen you around before."

"It's no problem, really. And yeah, my family and I just moved here yesterday. I figured I'd go out and take a break from unpacking. Imagine my surprise when I see a cute little brunette right at my feet." He smiles a charming smile, confusing me greatly. How can a guy this hot be into guys? There's got to be something wrong here...

"W-well, I'm Pierce. I don't think I caught your name?" I say, knowing he never said his name but not wanting to be too straight forward.

"Brent" he winks, holding out his hand for me to shake. Wow, a hot boy just winked at me. At me! I think I'm going to faint!


Picture of Brent.

Hey guys! I've got some great ideas for this right now!! Hope you like where I'm planning on going with this just as much (if not more) as I do! Hope you like this chapter and the ones to come. This chapter is a bit longer than usual and I'm going to try to make them longer and longer.


Nerd Vs. Jock: Who Will Win? (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now