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 We did end up wrestling, as I'm sure you've figured out already. I didn't really have much choice in the matter. After saying no about ten times, Axel got fed up with the arguing and took it upon himself to tackle me to the ground, getting us to him being on top of me.

            I giggle (yes, giggle) and say, "What are you doing?" he looks at me, stunned for a moment. "Yeah, I giggled." I roll my eyes. He continues to look down at me, staring straight into my eyes. His eyes are so mesmerizing, that deep brown. I could look into these eyes all day, which it seems I may be doing right now.

            It then comes to my attention that he's... leaning forward? But it feels it was over in a matter of seconds. Disappointment flashes across my face as he looks away, seemingly embarrassed, and awkward.

            "S-sorry, I didn't—I didn't mean to-" he stuttered, but didn't have the chance to finish because I cut him off.

            "What do you mean? You didn't do anything wrong. All you did was ask to wrestle and when I kept saying no, you simply tackled me. I didn't get hurt and I understand you got fed up with arguing so you acted. It's fine, nobody was hurt." I play off, not acknowledging the fact that he seemed to be leaning toward me. Had I acknowledged it, I would have been the one embarrassed since it was more than likely just my imagination.

            "Yeah, yeah okay. Nobody was hurt, it's fine. Nothing happened." He whispers to himself, seeming to be trying to convince somebody that nothing happened. I figured he wasn't trying to convince me, but himself. So I didn't say anything about it. Instead I just sat quietly on the floor where he left me, pouting hardcore on the inside. On the outside, I tried to look as calm as possible.

            "So, you wanna get started?" I suggested, even though last time it was suggested, we ended up on the floor.

            "Yeah, let's get started. We only have an hour or so before I have to get ready." He sighed, looking at his watch.

            So we got started on our project.

            "What's your favorite book?" I ask first.

            He answers with something I definitely wasn't expecting. I don't understand how he, a guy, a football player non-the-less, could possibly like a book that involves so much thinking. It really just doesn't make much sense. "Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury." He says, causing me to gape up at him.

            See what I mean? A book that involves so much thinking shouldn't be liked by a football player. I guess I'm just stereotyping him, aren't I? Even so, I gaped up at him anyway simply because that's my favorite book as well.

            I blink at him and shake my head to get back on track. I'm still a bit dazed and confused at how we can possibly have the same favorite book. I also hope that when he asks me what mine is, he won't think I'm just copying him. To keep that from happening, I look at him and stutter, "M-mine too."

            He looks at me with wide eyes at first, that then turn to narrowed eyes. Is he seriously glaring at me? What did I do this time? "Liar." He simply says, still glaring. That exactly what I didn't want to happen!

            I look at him, horrified. I wasn't lying! I know it's weird that we have the same favorite book but that's not my fault. Just to prove to him I wasn't lying I reach into my backpack and pull out the book that somehow connects us, in a way. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks that? "How could I possibly have known that this was your favorite book when I bought it three years ago?" I ask him, a little annoyed, now.

            "I-I guess I don't exactly have an answer for that one." He stutters, looking down and scratching the back of his head, as if he were embarrassed. How is it that I went from not realizing Axel could even be embarrassed to seeing him embarrassed twice in one day?

            "Well, next time, don't go assuming things." I scold.

            "Alright, mom" he rolls his eyes. "Well, who's your favorite author?"

            "S.E. Hinton." I answer, looking up at him again. I'm feeling a bit mischievous. And honestly, I really want to see what his reaction will be. How ironic would it be if we both had yet another thing in common? Some may call that fate, right? This may be a very interesting and revealing assignment; one that just might prove that we have a lot more in common than either one of us bargained for.

            While waiting for Axel's response, I notice him stride over to the other side of his bedroom to his desk and hesitantly pulled out a worn copy of The Outsiders from his top desk drawer. I think to myself, did that really just happen? He looks over at me with the most sexy sheepish grin I have ever seen in my life.


I have decided on uploading on Mondays, so it'll now be 'Mya Mondays' cx. a friend came up with that. Internet was down last night so it's a bit late but i'm going to get this right after a while.


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