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A/N: So one of you asked if the ship name could be Pixel. Personally, I think it's a great ship name, if anyone else has an idea, simply leave it in the comments. I'd love to hear what you guys have to say or add. If we get more ship names, i'll put them either at the beginning or end and ya'll can vote on them. if you like Pixel, let me know in the comments below. don't forget to vote, comment, and thank you for continuing to read.


"And then we just worked on our project." I finished telling Alie about my very much eventful day. "I mean, yeah, I won't have him as my boyfriend or anything, but I'll still get to talk with him, like, everyday! It's so much more different when I'm talking with him than it is talking about him." I say dreamily, replaying the day in my head. Okay, so, sure, all we did was talk school but it's still so much better than not talking with him at all. I don't know how I ever thought this would be difficult or anything.

Then again, it's been a day. One day. I give it a week before I get fed up and end up putting my hands all over that delicious body of hi-.

"... eally grea- what are you doing? Seriously, why are you licking your lips like that?" Alie questions with a confused look on her scrunched up face. That confused look quickly began to fade, turning into recognition, as if she knew exactly what was going on in my head at that moment, which she probably did, considering we're best friends. This caused my face to turn a bright, wonderful color of crimson. "Were you seriously just thinking what I think you were thinking?"

"No. No, no, no, nothing that extreme!" I almost yell, embarrassed as hell. "I was just thinking how I'd love nothing more than anything to rub my hands all over his sexy a- yeah, you're probably right. Had you not stopped me when you did, it probably would have escalated into so much more. You don't realize just how grateful I am to have you, ha." I say, nervously chuckling a little, realizing that she knows me better than I do. There's really just no saying where those thoughts were going, honestly.

"You're welcome." Is all she replied, winking at me.

"Yeah, thanks." I say, rolling my eyes. Is it my fault that I'm so sarcastic? No, I don't think so. She makes me this way, I swear. When I'm with Alie, there's no stopping me from mouthing off, I simply can't help it. It's probably because she gives me more confidence. I don't have to act like something I'm not when I'm around Miss Alison Talia. "I can't wait for school!" I kind of squeal/yell. This causes me to blush but I really don't care because it's true, I can't wait to work with Axel.

It's going to be a long night. I'm still kind of in shock right now, being paired up with Axel Fucking Wilkins on the first day of school. This might be the best year of my life. You never know what could happen, right? I mean, he could fall in love with me, right? Ha, no, that's out of the question. He's straight, straighter than a pole. There's no way he'd ever turn out to be gay, let alone in love with me. At least I get to spend almost two months with him. That's more time than I ever would have thought possible, so I'm happy about it. Let's hope I don't embarrass the shit out of myself.

"Kids, dinner!" my mom yells from the kitchen. Thank god, I thought I was going to starve to death.

"C'mon. fooooood!" I pull Alie with me out my room and down the stairs, smelling the great aroma that is my mom's cooking. This woman should be a chef at a five star restaurant.

"Hey guys, it's casserole tonight. I hope that's fine?"

"That's perfect, ma. I'm starved!" I smile at my mom, sitting down to eat.

Before I could even think about devouring everything on the table, I catch my mom scowling at me. I blink at her in confusion, furrowing my eyebrows. Then, I remember, grace. I roll my eyes and hold out my left hand to Alie who is seated across from me, my right hand to my mom who's seated at the top of the table. Yes, my mom is the man of the house.

"Jesus, our Lord and Savior..." My mother began saying grace.

After grace is said and done with, we move on to the delicious food sitting in front of us.

"So, kids, how was school?"

I answered with, "it was fine" at the same time Alie answered with, "Pierce made a new friend!" This, of course, caused me to glare daggers into Alie's skull. She knows my mom doesn't know about my sexuality, is she trying get me killed?!

My mother's face seemed to light up like a Christmas tree. Great, now she's going to be asking questions like, "What's her name!?"

Ah, there it is, the question of truth. "Ma, when Alie said it was a friend, that's all it is, a friend." I begin, stressing the first friend for emphasis. "He's really not even a friend, at that, just an acquaintance. More like a forced acquaintance. We were partnered up for an English project in Mrs. Winchester's class."

"Oh, now honey, don't think like that!" Mom scolds. "Don't doubt your ability to make friends. You are a wonderful person and I have no doubt in my mind that you and this acquaintance you speak of will become great friends one day."

"Ma! You have to say that, you're my mother." I pout.

"No, I don't. I could tell you that I think you're a loser and you'll never amount to anything, but I don't think you're a loser. I know you'll amount to something. We just have to figure out what that something might be, and you can't figure that out doubting yourself at every corner." My mom replies, causing me to gape at her. Did she really just say that she could call me a loser? Asshole.

"Thanks mom." I roll my eyes at her bluntness. "Anyway, it's not that I don't think I can't amount to anything, I just don't want to disappoint you when I don't give you what you might expect from me."

"Pierce, I don't think you could disappoint your mother." Alie steps in, reminding me that she's here. She's also the one that started this whole conversation.

After dinner, Alie heads home and I go to sleep, ready for my second day of school to begin already.


The next morning I wake up refreshed and in better spirits than the day before. How is it that just one hour can change my view on everything? Okay, maybe not on everything, but you understand.

I change into my blue flannel shirt and grey skinny jeans, throwing a beanie on my head before heading out the door. I didn't even grab an apple for breakfast or wait for Alie to pick me up so we can ride together. I simply couldn't wait to get out the door and to school, so I walked.

By the time I made it half way to school it started to feel like I was being followed. Every time I turned around, nobody was there. Maybe I'm paranoid.

At least, that's what I thought. Then again, that was before I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hey there, what's a cute thing like you doing walking by yourself?" I heard a low voice ask from behind me.


This chapter's a little bit longer than the others! Picture of Alison won't load right now but Ariana Grande or Kat from Victorious plays Alie. As soon as I can figure out the problem, I'll upload a picture.

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