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A/N: I know, I know, I'm late again. Technical problems and finals, I promise. Hopefully I can figure these things out on the Sundays, ha. Sorry, seriously. First story I've really taken this seriously so it's going to be a bit hard to get the schedule down. thank you for staying with me, though it's the second time I'm uploading late. It's summer now, so it'll be easier to upload on time.

 I'm not so sure what it is, but I can't seem to make my hand move to ring the doorbell. It took me about ten minutes to make to it to the address Axel gave me, seeing as we actually don't live that far away from each other. Convenient no?  Anyway, I've been outside his house for maybe five minutes. I'm sure I look like a complete stalker, and trust me, if I could move, I would.

            Two more minutes have passed and I'm afraid I'll never move from this spot. Even if I just go home, I'd be fine with it, as long as I don't have to stay out here any longer. What kind of a loser just stands outside their crushes house? Oh, yeah. They call those stalkers. We need to get this project done, but I just won't budge!

            "What are you doing?" I hear from in front of me.

            Oh shit. I think as I look into the eyes I've come to know. I smile sheepishly up at Axel before averting my eyes back to the ground. "Oh, um, hey there, Axel." I stumble awkwardly, hoping he doesn't know how long I have been standing here. That would just be even more embarrassing, wouldn't it?

            "Uh, yeah, hi Pierce. I noticed you standing out here a minute ago and waited for you to ring the bell, but you never did. Why have you just been standing here?" Ah, the moment of truth.

            "Well you see," I begin, "I was trying to work up the nerve to ring the bell?" I finish in a questioning tone, though it was meant as a statement.

            "Work up the nerve? Why would you need to work up the nerve to ring my doorbell?" he asks. What's up with the twenty questions today?

            "What's up with the twenty questions today? Geez." I voice my thoughts, walking past him and into his house. Why did I just do that? I don't just walk into houses like I own the place, especially not my damn crushes house! What is wrong with me today?

            "Yeah, just come on in." Axel says in a sarcastic tone, more than likely rolling his eyes. "And it's not twenty questions, I just wanted to know why you need to work up nerve, that it seems you've gotten back, just to ring a doorbell." He says the part about seemingly getting my nerve back under his breath, as if he doesn't want me to hear it.          

            "I had to work up my nerve because I've never been to a popular kid's house before. If you haven't noticed, I'm kind of a loser." I finally answer his question. I seriously did just call myself a loser, didn't I? And I just admitted that I have never been to a popular's house. Damn, I am a loser.

            "Oh, I've noticed. You're like the biggest loser in school." He chuckles. Wow that hurt. Did he really just call me a loser to my face? And I'm in love with this, great.

            "Thanks" I drawl, rolling my eyes at his bluntness. "That's exactly what I want to hear from the most popular boy in school."

            "No problem, bro." he says. Did he really think I was being serious? Ugh! Exhausting I tell you! "Don't worry, I was just kidding!" he laughs after seeing the horrified look on my face. Oh, thank God I don't like a complete idiot.

            "Thank God" I voice, relief flooding my face and mind. What would I do if he turned out to be that stupid?

            "Shall we get started, then?" he asks, nodding toward the stairs. I nod my head, telling him we should.

            We make our way up the stairs and down the hall, passed three doors. None of the doors being open,except one, the bathroom. Right beside it is a, of course, closed door. Axel stops at the door, leading me to believe that this, all the way at the end of the hall, is his room. I breathe in deeply, preparing myself for what is to come.

            He opens the door and steps in. What a gentleman. I walk in right after, once again not waiting for an invitation. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow, "you still have that nerve, I see."

            "Well, ya know." I shrug indifferently. I don't quite know why I suddenly have such nerve, but I have it, so I might as well use it while it's there. He simply chuckles and we move passed the awkwardness in a matter of minutes.

            I look around his room, taking everything in. He has many trophies set on almost every empty surface and medals hung on many different sections of his walls. All of these must be from football and whatever other sports he played as a kid. I notice a medal for wrestling. Well that's interesting.

            The medal that started it all.

            "How'd you get that?" I ask, pointing at the medal above his headboard.

            "What do you mean? Obviously I used to wrestle." He answers, as well as rolling his eyes. As charming as ever I thought.

            "That's cool; I used to dabble in wrestling as well, back in the day." I respond, half-jokingly. I really did use to wrestle, but I thought it'd be funny to act kind of like an old person thinking about the past.

            "Oh really?" he asks, an eyebrow raised. And this is where things get interesting. "How about we 'dabble' with wrestling right now?" he suggests, using my word from moments before.

            I chuckle and shake my head, telling him we probably shouldn't, "No, no, no" I chuckle more when he wiggles his eyebrows at me. "It was so long ago, I'm sure I'd only hurt you." I kind of flirt, because I mean, who wouldn't?

            "You'd hurt me" he chuckles back, seeming to be... flirting back? Things definitely just got interesting. "Okay, you think you'd hurt me, let's test that theory out, shall we?" What's with him using 'shall'?

            And that's how we ended up here, him on top of me, both of us on his bedroom floor.

A/N: Lisa Schock, Pierce's mom. Picture to the top.

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