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"Honey, there's somebody on the phone asking for you!"

"Hello?" I say when my mom hands me the house phone. Who would be calling my house to talk to me? Everybody I know calls my cell phone.

"Hi, Pierce" a sexy, smooth, and oddly familiar voice responds. Could it really be? I mean, I haven't stopped thinking of him since we met. Maybe I'm going crazy, hearing his voice when in all actuality it's probably not even him.

It's now Monday and I'm waiting for Axel to show up so we can work on our project. It seems like I've been thinking of Brent for the longest time, when it's actually just been two days. But could it really be him? How did he even get my number?

"Br-Brent? Where'd you get my number? I don't remember giving it to you..." I trail off, extremely confused.

"Well, you see, you dropped your book in the book store and it had your full name in it, so kind of looked you up in the phone book. I figured you might want your book back and I wanted to see you again, so it's a win-win. So, when do you want to meet up?" he answers, confusing me even more. He wants to see me again? Is there something wrong with this boy, like is he blind or something?

"Um, yeah. I'd like my book back. We can meet tomorrow around four, is that okay?" I hadn't even realized my book was missing until just now. I've been a tad bit preoccupied, what with thinking about Brent every second of the last two days. I honestly don't know what's wrong with, going from only thinking about Axel, to only thinking about Brent in a matter of seconds.

Ding! Speak of the devil.

"I'll get it!" my mom yells from the kitchen.

"How about we meet at the book store? Since that is the place we met, and where you dropped the thing that's causing us to meet again."

"Great idea, I'll see you then, bye!" I hang up before he can say anything, turning just in time to see my mom let Axel in the house.

"Oh, aren't you just the cutest thing!" I hear her gush, embarrassing me greatly.

"Hey!" I yell, feeling a little offended.

"What about me? You know, your only son?" I pout, causing my mom to giggle and Axel to chuckle, rolling his eyes.

"Yes, honey, you're cute too" my mom giggles while patting my head, simply causing me to pout even more.

"Come on, Axel, let's go get started." I roll my eyes, trudging up the stairs to my bedroom. He simply chuckles behind me and follows me up the stairs.

"I like your mom" he comments absent minded when we make it to my room.

"Thanks, it seems she likes you too." I grumble angrily, still a little offended from my mom's earlier comment.

"Awe, come on. You can't seriously be mad that your mom said that I was cuter than you."

"She didn't say you were cuter than me!" I look at Axel with angry eyes.

"Oh yes she did" he taunts.

"Nuh-uh!" I pout like a child, causing a wide grin to spread across his face.

"Yeah-huh!" he sticks his tongue out, continuing to taunt me.

"Okay asshat, let's just get started." I roll my eyes at him.

He just laughs and says, "Don't worry, you're cute." My face turns bright red and I look away, not wanting him to see my blush. He seems to realize what he just said and goes deadly silent, no trace of laughter on his face. Did that just come out of his mouth? Did Axel Wilkins seriously just call me cute? How is that even possible? He's the straight, homophobic football player. I have a feeling the situation between Axel and me just got a little different. "I-I didn't mean it like that," he begins after what feels like forever, "I just meant, for a boy, you're-you're sort of adorable. God, that still sounds weird." He face palms himself.

I roll my eyes at him once again and say, "Don't worry about it, dude. I get it, now can we just forget about this and finally get started with our work?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem." He responds, seeming to be in a completely different world, a confused look on his face as he sit on my bed next me.


This chapter is pretty short compared to others but hopefully it will keep you fulfilled until the next one.

Candie Lockhart, a.k.a. Queen Bitch/Axel's girlfriend.


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