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        Fifth hour was already in full swing when the door suddenly swung open, revealing someone who I definitely wasn’t expecting to see; the one and only Axel Wilkins was standing in the middle of the door way, huffing and puffing like he’d just ran a marathon or something. Weird.

            “How nice of you to join us, Mr. Wilkins” my English teacher sighed, looking at him with a piercing gaze. Wow, she really didn’t like when you arrive late. Note to self, never, never, arrive late to this woman’s class. “Would you like to inform me as to why you were late?” she now asked, noticing he didn’t have a note from a teacher in his hands.

            He then reached into his pocket and produced a white slip of paper with neat handwriting on it, tossing it into her hands, carelessly. “That’s why I’m late,” he said flatly, as if it was okay to speak to a teacher with such disrespect, which for him, it probably was.

            She read the note with a frown on her face, most likely upset that she couldn’t get him trouble. I swear, I’ll never understand teachers. As all of this was happening, all I could do was sit there blankly, staring straight at Axel. I just can’t believe one human being can be so beautiful…

            “…. next to Pierce.” Is what I heard when I finally came out of my trance. What was she talking about? I wondered quietly with confusion.

            Axel simply shrugged and trudged to the seat next to mine. Oh, I thought, she was telling him to take the seat next to mine. Duh.

            Shit, that means that I have to sit next the one guy I have a crush on for an entire class period every day. Why wasn’t I excited about that? I mean, I get to sit by the guy of my dreams! But I can’t touch him, can’t look at him, can’t even speak to him. I’m sure if I even tried to speak to Axel, I’d simply embarrass myself.

            Just thinking about him makes my insides light up. His dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, chiseled jaw. Oh, how you could slice an apple with jaw of his. He’s just so perfect, it’s unreal. I don’t know how im ever going to be able to keep my eyes off of him, but I’ll try, I guess.

            “…. I’ve already got your partners picked out for you, so you won’t even have to worry about that part.” Mrs. Winchester continued, though I have no idea what she had said before hand. So, as the rest of the class groaned in misery, I just looked up at her, confused. What did I miss? Partners for what? And who would I be stuck with? Hopefully someone that was paying more attention than me, because if not, I was sure we’d get an F on whatever it Mrs. Whinchester just assigned us. “Brian and Josie,” she started assigning partners, making me really nervous. “Axel and…”

            Not me. Please me. Not me, don’t call my name. please, please call my name. My thoughts became all jumbled, confusing me greatly, but I just wasn’t sure I could stand having to be around him so long without letting everything fall apart, though I seriously wanted to be that close to for such a long amount of time. I don’t even know what we’re supposed to do! I don’t even know why she’s assigning partners, for sure! I mean, I assume it’s for some kind of project or something of the sort, but who knows?

            “… Pierce.” She finished, making happy but at the same time, greatly upset. There’s just no way I’m going to be able to keep my feelings hidden for very long if I have to be around so often. I can’t believe what my life’s turned into. I can still remember the days when I was just wishing to grow up and have a relationship like my parents. If I had known then what I know now, I would have snuck off to neverland!

            I simply sighed, silently thanking Mrs. Winchester, as well as quietly cursing the very ground she walked on. Wow, my brain’s a little jumbled, huh? Okay, so I wasn’t really that upset about it. I mean seriously, how could I be? Axel has been my crush since freshman year! There’s no I’m ever going to forget this year, ever.

            “Okay, now that we’ve got that settled, join your partner and get started.” Mrs. Winchester clapped, finishing the parings and heading toward her desk. Hold up, it’s the first day of school! Why is this bitch giving us a project on the first day of school? Ugh, whatever, at least id be spending that time with Me. Sexy over there.

            “Uhm,” somebody coughed breaking me away from my thoughts. “So.. Are we going to get started or what?” I look over to see Axel had been the one talking, giving me a flat look.

            “Uh, yea, sorry.” I managed to say, though a slight blush crept its way onto my face. Good job, Pierce. You definitely don’t look like a fool or something. I thought to myself, my subconscious rolling his eyes at me.

            Axel just rolled his eyes at me, waiting for something. What was he waiting for? I had a confused look on my face, I’m sure, because he simply rolled his eyes again and pulled my desk—me still in it, might I add—closer to his, as if it took no effort at all.

            I made an ‘O’ with my mouth and blushed even more. God, how am I going to survive being around this kid for long? I fear I might blush to death! Now that, that would be embarrassing. “So, um, what are supposed to be working on?” I asked finally, still not believing that I, of all people, was partnered with Axel Wilkins. Just luck of the draw, I guess.

            “We’re supposed to do a project on each other’s favorite book, author, movie, and movie based off a book. We have to spend time together, learn these things, and then convert them into an essay about each other. We also must have extra things in the essay, like what the person likes to do, his favorite sport, stuff like that.” He replied, seemingly exasperated. How long is this project, anyway? “Oh, and it’s supposed to last about four to six weeks.” Axel answered as if reading my mind.

            This was going to be a long two months, I could tell.


over to the side is Axel Wilkins

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