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A/N: So, so, so sorry for the late update. I know it's only a day late but still... Something wasn't working, not sure if it was the laptop, website or wifi, but something wasn't loading it correctly. I got this up as soon as I possibly could. Hope you guys like it. I might just give you two chapters through out this week since this one was little late. Again, sorry and I hope you like it c: .

"So why didn't you tell me that Max was visiting?" I heard from my right as I was sitting down to eat my lunch. I didn't even have to turn to know it was Alie.

I shrugged saying, "I didn't even know, honestly. He scared me shitless this morning as I was walking to school. Oh, and he knows my biggest secret." I say the last part so nonchalantly it scared even me. How could I not be freaking out right now? I mean, the one thing I've been keeping from everyone since I was, like, five is now being trusted with two people. One was bad enough but now two? I might as well have told everybody. But I probably shouldn't be freaking as much I actually am. If he's known for as long as he says, and he was planning to tell someone, he'd have done so already.

"What?" she exclaimed. "How could he possibly know? You only ever told me and you know I'd never out you like that. You know that don't you?" I nod, assuring Alie that I did, indeed, know that she'd never do that to me. "Then how does he know?" she all but screams, causing a few people around us to turn and stare.

"I don't know for sure. He said he noticed the way I looked at Axel? I'm really not sure what he means, because really didn't think I was that obvious." I reply after everyone else goes back to their own business and got out of mine.

"Well.." Alie stretches out the word, looking a little sheepish. "Well, you kind of do look at him pretty often, but not enough for anyone to notice unless they really know you." She says, quickly adding the last part after seeing my shocked face. Did I really look at him that much? I didn't think I did.

I guess it's possible that I look at Axel pretty often, but can you blame me? He's hot! I don't think I look at him often enough!

It was now fifth hour, and that conversation was long gone. I still can't believe Max knows my secret but that's a problem for another time. Right now, I have to deal with this project with Axel. We are currently trying to figure out whose house to meet at since today was the last day to work on it in class. We're also trying to figure out what times we're both free. I'll give you guys a little hint, I'm always free, Axel on the other hand, is, like, never free. He has football after school most days, still has his stupid girlfriend (rolls eyes), and there are three parties this week! How are we ever going to get this thing done, let alone good grades on it with his full schedule?

"How about I go to your house Saturday before the party starts?" I suggest. He shrugs, not seeming to be paying much attention anymore. Really? This is exhausting! First we can't seem to find a time to meet up to get this stupid project done, and now he's not listening? HE'S exhausting! "What's up?" I ask, trying to figure out why he suddenly stopped listening.

"Huh?" he blinks, seemingly coming out of his daze. "What are you talking about? Nothing's 'up', I'm simply thinking." He shrugs away.

"We may not be best friends or anything like that, but I can tell when something's wrong." I turn toward him, now fed up with his nonchalant attitude. "So what's wrong with you today?"

"Why do even care? Like you said, we're not friends; we were just partnered up for this stupid project." He rolls his eyes, still not letting his guard down.

How did I not think he could have any flaws? Obviously, his only flaw is the fact that he doesn't let anybody in, but that's fixable. "Exactly, we were partnered up on a project that's all about getting to know your partner. And as for your question, I care because I lo- you know what, never mind why I care. We need to get this project done."

Did I really just almost give it all away? I am so stupid! I could have just ruined my whole life, holy fuck. That was a good save, if I do say so myself. Oh, who am I kidding? It's all over now. He's not dumb; he'll figure it out sooner or later. Let's just hope it's later.

"Wait, no, why do you care so much? What were you about to say?" he asks. Oh, now you're interested in what I have to say? Typical.

"So now you're interested in what I have to say?" I voice my thoughts.

"It's not that I wasn't interested; I've just had a lot on my mind lately." He answers. Hm, looks like I've successfully changed the subject. "We can meet at my house before the party, sure. See, I'm listening to you."

"You're exhausting." I sigh.

That was four days ago. Now, I'm currently getting ready to go to Axel's house, wearing almost the same thing I was Tuesday: a flannel and skinny jeans. My hair is straight like always, but I didn't bother with a beanie today.

"Yo ma!" I yell as I'm heading out the door, "I'm going to Axel's for a project, be back later, kay?"

"Okay, hon!" she yells back from the kitchen.

Now I'm out the door and on my way to Axel's.


A/N: Picture of Alison Talia.

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