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After Axel left, I was completely drained, tired, and just ready to for a nice night of sleep. You wouldn't think being next to your crush all afternoon would be so tiring, but that's where you'd be wrong my friend. Being around your crush all afternoon is almost as tiring as swimming two hours straight, but being around your crush all afternoon without them knowing they are your crush and you're not able to tell them because it would ruin your high school life is more tiring than swimming for two days. I honestly don't know how long I can keep this going for. I mean, it was easy to keep such a secrete before because before I didn't have to spend so much time with him, now it's just wearing me thin.

Following him to the front door, we say our goodbyes and I shut the door behind him, honestly sighing in relief. I never thought I'd see the day I'd be relieved to get rid of Axel.

As soon as I throw my bedroom door shut, I run straight for my bed, landing on it in a heap and I am out like a light.

By 6:45 the next morning, I am ready for the day ahead. I am wearing a white t-shirt with a red unbuttoned flannel on top, as well as black skinny jeans. I throw on a beanie and my neon-green vans last minute and I am out the door, heading towards Alie's car.

"Yo, what up, babe?" she asks as soon as I get in the car, pulling out of my drive way and towards school.

"Nothing, Als," I lean over and kiss her cheek, smiling a little too wide than I usually do. I know that's the only reason she noticed something was up but I couldn't help it, I am meeting Brent today! I am so excited that I seriously can't hide it, at least not from Alison Talia, the one person that almost knows me better than I know myself.

"Yeah uh-huh, now tell me what's really going on. Did Axel finally confess his undying love for you?" she winks and giggles. This girl, this girl right here has finally completely and utterly lost her damn mind! If she seriously thinks Axel Wilkins will ever, and I mean ever, confess his "undying love" for me, she has seriously lost it, the day I knew was soon to come has come sooner than expected. Yes, I was definitely expecting her mind to fly away, never to return again, but I sure as hell wasn't expecting it to be this soon! Okay, scratch that, she's simply already crazy, but I was just waiting for the day we'd need to institute her for it, and now that the day has come, I'm not so sure I'm ready for it.

"Okay, Alie, baby turn the car around and head for the nearest insane asylum." I tell her with the calmest and most soothing voice I can muster, as well as the straightest face I can pull off.

This crazy bitch turns to me and slams her foot on the breaks, stopping in the middle of the street. Dude, I said to turn around, not stop! That's when I simply can't take it anymore and burst out laughing like a lunatic while drivers behind us honk their horns and yell out their windows for us to "more our asses." I seriously can't believe she just stopped in the middle of the street like it was nothing! Oh, my God, that was priceless!

"Alie, I told you to turn around, not stop!" I continue laughing uncontrollably.

"Dude, you totally did not just tell me to drive myself to an insane asylum!" she grumbles whilst beginning to drive again.

"Hey, I seriously thought you had lost your mind a minute there, talking about Axel ever loving me, not to mention undying. No, hun, I believe we should seriously be considering checking you into an asylum. Especially if you continue thinking like that." I say, finally controlling my laughter.

"Well, okay, if Axel didn't confess his undying love for you, what the hell is up with you? Why are you so cheerful today?"

"I met someone." I tease her, knowing it'll just make her more mad if I don't spill everything right off the bat. Alie looks at me expectantly for three minutes, waiting for me to spill the beans, as I knew she would.

She suddenly blows a fuse or something because after a while, she broke and yelled, "Ugh! Pierce, who the hell did you meet? Just tell me who this dude is. Do I know him? Does he go to our school? So, you think you met someone to get your mind off of Axel?"

I stare her impassively, trying to absorb every question she just asked so I can answer them correctly, without any mix ups.

"His name is Brent, no you don't, I don't believe so seeing as he just moved here, and WHAT?!" I answer all, well almost all, of her questions in order.

"What do you mean, 'what'?" she asks, not getting my confusion.

"How could you even believe there would be a soul out there to take my mind off of Axel? Seriously, I've tried everything, Alie-bear, you know that. I dint it would even be in the question since he's the person that decided to show his face and make me realize I'm gay. Even if he doesn't know he's the reason I found out my sexuality I still don't know if I ever would had it not been Axel walking through homeroom three years ago."

"Do you think you owe him for making you realize you're gay or something? Pierce, babe, he doesn't even know you're gay let alone the reason you figured it out." She looks at me with sweet, sympathetic eyes, making me just want to hug her. Most people would hate sympathy, and yeah, I don't really like it either, but Alie is my best friend and knows me like nobody else so I know she's only trying to make me feel better and help me realize I can go after whoever I want; it's not like Axel and I are dating or anything.

I sigh, "Yeah, I know I don't owe him anything, I just don't know where I'd be without him, if that makes any sense, since he's never actually been there for me."

"I get what ya mean, man, but you gotta try new things and new people." She winks, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

"Yeah, ya know what, you're right. I think I'm gonna see where this thing goes."


Next chapter will be the meet up between Pierce and Brent. How you like it so far? Kind of keeping you on the edge of your seat?

How do you feel about Pierce and Brent? Do you think Alie is right, should Pierce try something new? How do you think the meet up will turn out?

Thanks for reading, come back for the next chapter next Monday! Hope you enjoy, and leave some comments!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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