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The hot streams of tears flushed Harry's cheeks, his green eyes red, fragile glass, ready to break any second. His wispy curls pressed into his forehead, and fell around his eyelashes. His teeth grinned together and his hands pinched the inner skin of his thighs.

He was having a visceral reaction to what he saw and the words he heard and he couldn't process it in his mind. He decided he was allergic to rejection. That was the only explanation.

And if that was the case, it was as if someone had stuffed him full of it and left him there to die.

He couldn't explain how it felt. His body was shaking, his thoughts were destroying him and he couldn't decide if he wanted to scream till his lungs burst or never speak a word ever again.

The image in his mind was vivid and dream like at the same time. It was so real to him, that it was somehow fake. It would be so easy for Harry to convince himself that it didn't happen. That he had just imagined the whole thing. But Harry was young, not stupid. Fake things can't hurt you nearly as much as real things could and that's what was the worst part of it.

Because it was real. Harry and Liam didn't have one of those romances that could be characterized by a happy song with light words. They were in love. And to Harry, they still were. They had the kind of love that made the whole world stop. It was if Liam was attached to Harry by a rope. Every where he moved, Liam followed. They were each others shadows and sunlight at the exact same time. It was one of those loves that was so fragile that if you poked it with a stick, it would explode but could still withstand any fall. It was too perfect to break. Until, of course, it does.

But even after what Harry saw, he couldn't bring himself to believe it was over. Even after hearing those words that pierced Harry's heart, he couldn't accept that it was finished.

All Harry could think about after seeing Liam kiss that boy the way he used to kiss Harry when they were younger and stupidly obsessed with each other was how he could've done more. And when Liam said those three words that never ceased to make Harry melt to the boy, Harry couldn't believe that he had let Liam down.

Cause that was the only reason Harry's fractured heart could fathom for why Liam had betrayed him. It was because Harry wasn't enough.


Of course Louis had let his friend in when he arrived at his door, the crumpled copy of the boy Louis knew and loved. Louis didn't need to ask Harry who had done this to him because there was only one person who could. Love is giving yourself completely to someone and praying they won't hurt you. That person is the only one that can make you feel the most alive, happier than you could ever imagine you would ever feel but is also the same person that could inflict the most horrid, dreadful pain on you.

Louis held his friend wordlessly, letting his warm hug speak all that he so badly wanted to say.

Harry lay is puffy, stained face on Louis' chest, not daring to close his eyes and see the image that was driving him insane. Instead, he focused on the blank wall ahead of him. He tried to clear his head but forgetting was much easier said than done.


It took awhile. Louis had expected him to come around an hour or so before but was glad he hadn't and had missed Harry losing his mind.

But when the doorbell rang, there was no doubting who it was. Louis looked at Harry, knowing the boy knew exactly who it was as well and waited for the slight nod from the curly haired boy before opening the door to let Harry face his fears.

Liam immediately rushed past Louis to see his crying angel, wound up on the couch. His heart wrenched when he saw Harry in so much pain and opened his mouth to speak the words that pushed at his heart but he was stopped.

The younger boy has stuck a trembling hand out to pause Liam from speaking. It took a sentence but Harry inhaled a deep breath before letting three soft words flutter from his purple lips.

"I am sorry."

Harry's droopy eyelids prevented his eyes from seeing Liam's face, but he knew it would be surprised.

"I'm sorry" he said again, his voice nothing louder than a whisper.

"Oh angel, you have nothing to be sorry for, I'm sorry I'm a shitty boyf-"

"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you. I'm sorry for caring too much or too little. For the emptiness in my touch. For the love in my heart. I'm sorry I drove you away. And I'm sorry I can't give you up."

Liam stared into the eyes of the boy he could never stop loving. The boy he could never stop hurting.

"I-I just. I-Harry-I" Liam stumbled around his words, like everyone was a bump in his path but for once, Harry didn't stutter. He didn't trip around or fall over himself because the words he was speaking were so true that he couldn't mix them up if he tried.

"You deserve him. He's enough for you. He's satisfies you. I can see it in your eyes. You looked at him the way you looked at me. You love him. You don't need to confirm that. You don't need to deny it either. If you are happy with him, go get him. If you love him, go love him."

"I don't understand-you don't love me?" Liam could barely say the words, looking at the beautiful face of the one person that kept him grounded.

"No. That's silly. Of course I love you. I always will. It's just that I care about your feelings. Maybe a little too much. I care and I'll always care, even if I don't want to. I'm sorry I couldn't care enough at some times but I always will and you should always know that. Wherever you are, whenever your sad, know that. Keep it with you."

"Harry, I was stupid. I am stupid. I am selfish, I am greedy, I am vain. But I'm in love with you. The way I looked at the boy is the way I look at you everyday. Maybe it's when you don't notice or maybe you're just blind to it but I could never love someone more than I love you. And god, Harry, you're enough. You're always enough. You've always been enough. And angel if you can't see that by now, I don't know if I'll ever be able to show you. But I can try."

And through all the words and tears and feelings, it was almost okay with Harry that he was kissing Liam. And it was almost better. And for a second, that boy and all the drama was forgotten and all Harry and Liam could think about was how love was crazy and strange and amazing. And that was enough.

A/n: quick cute one (: also check out my other one shot fic!!

Thanks for all the support!

Much love,

Ollie xx

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