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Maybe it was an absolutely terrible idea but it was the only one that had felt okay to Liam as he stepped off the plane into the city which he loved the most.

Around him, the sound of buzzing french words echoed in his ears, reminding him of the way louis used to speak to him. It was kind of a secret language they had. They had both fallen in love with the country and the language reminded them of that. Allowed them to speak to each other with out anyone else knowing what they were saying.

Paris was where they had fallen in love, the city's beautiful ambiance taking their childish affection and spinning it into something so real, both of the boys could only sink into it's power. They had gone back together a year later, deepening their already endless love. And now, a year after, Liam had come back alone.

They had ended it only a month before and Liam hadn't thought about anything else since. It was his mother that suggested going on a trip to clear his mind and there was no other place Liam had considered going.

He knew it would make him more upset but he craved the way the pain would remind him of the bliss he once had.

Liam had spent so many days feeling sad that he felt himself going numb and he knew that was entirely worse.

He lugged his bag through the airport and entered the car that was waiting for him. He rested his head on the window, watching the magical city reintroduce itself to him through pretty old houses and winding streets. He saw love everywhere and it wasn't as sad as he expected but rather refreshing.

It was as if he could feel the love he used to have here again, not the emptiness that their london flat had left him with. When he arrived at the familiar hotel, he checked into his room and stood on the balcony, looking out at the eiffel tower and the rest of the beautiful city. He smiled for the first time in a while as he took in the smell that he had missed so much. He understood now that it was so easy to fall in love in the city because he was already in love with the city.

After resting, he decided he would walk around a bit, visit some of his favorite places from the last time he was here. He walked past the fountain where he and Louis had shared their first kiss and the cafe where Louis told him he loved him for the first time and lastly, he decided to walk through the park where he and Louis had become engaged.

He sat on a bench, thinking, looking at his bare fingers, in a state of loss. it hurt especially here but he wasn't sad. he was almost lost in a trance. He knew when he returned to london, it would break hard and he would be worse off than before but the high was worth the pain. Before long another person came to sit next to Liam and Liam was about to get up when he heard tears.

He refrained from looking at the man, not wanting to interfere but he couldn't leave him alone.

"I'm so stupid" the man said and the voice hit Liam like a train.
"Lou?" Louis looked up to see Liam, his eyes puffy and his face touched in pain. "Li?"

Before any more words were exchanged, Louis continued sobbing, burying his head in Liam's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry" Louis spoke into his coat and Liam nodded.

"So am I."

They sat for a while, watching the city in a different way then they had before but together none the less.

"What do you say we go let this city remind us why we were so in love in the first place. I've heard it's very good at mending wounds of the heart" Louis spoke, smiling through dried tears and reaching a hand out to Liam.

"I would love nothing more."


A/N. 20k. 20. k. 20 k!!!!! 20,000 beautiful people (you guys!!) have taken the time to read my shitty writing!! twenty thousand. damn. I never thought I'd get here!! Honestly thank you so much. Continue being amazing because wow. Don't mind me sobbing tears of joy. Okay sorry love you all so so so so much!!! Ollie❤️❤️

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