Ziam~It gets better

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There were three things Zayn Malik didn't not want to think about. The first was his math test. He had been failing maths as of recently and he knew another test would only bring him another bad grade. And he didn't need any more self hate or disappointment in his life.

The second thing he didn't want to think about was his father. His dad was as tough as they make them. He didn't even cry during the notebook. But in the last couple of months, Zayn has seen him cry too often. And he knew why and he knew it was his fault.

And the last thing that Zayn didn't want to, no, could not think about was his mother. It had been almost four weeks now since it happened and it had not gotten any easier. Every night, Zayn found himself crying endless tears into his pillow and the only person he knew that could tell him it would be ok was his mother.

After dinner each night, Zayn would clear his plate, grab his skateboard and go around his town for a while. But it never took too long before he wound up at the small cemetery behind the church where there was a newer stone that has his mother's name on it. He'd lean against it and tell her about his day. Sometimes he'd just sit in silence. But either way, she always listened.

It was on one particular night, after an especially long day, while Zayn was with his mother when he met him. Zayn hadn't noticed at first but someone else was with him that night. He wasn't scared as he thought he might be but instead, curious. He was about to yell out when the boy spoke first.

"Are you visiting?" he said, walking a little closer into Zayn's sight.

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Yeah" the boy said, getting closer. Zayn could tell that they were probably about the same age. He had brown hair and big brown eyes that seemed very warm and inviting for a stranger.

"I'm Liam" the boy said, sticking out a hand to shake."

"Zayn" Zayn said, shyly. He never was very good about meeting new people.

Without asking if it were alright or not, Liam sat down right next to him. Zayn didn't complain. Graveyards at night could be pretty creepy alone...

"So...who's dead?" Liam asked. Zayn was shocked. This stranger was asking him so abruptly about the most tragic moment in Zayn's short life. I guess there isn't a lot of small talk that can occur in a graveyard. It took Zayn a minute to find his voice but Liam didn't push.

"My mother" he said. And as hard as he tried to hold it in, as much as he didn't want to cry in front of a stranger, the tears pushed out and the sobs escaped.

And without a second thought, Liam pulled his arms around him, and patted his back. And it was so natural for Zayn to relax in his hold and melt into his check.

"It's okay. It gets better, I promise" Liam whispered into his ear with a voice that warmed Zayn's heart up.

And for some reason, Zayn believed him.

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