Larry~Don't Leave me now

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Five Years Ago

In X-Factor house, under sheets of shared bed with flashlights talking.

Louis: "And that is why Hollister will forever be better than Jack Wills. End of story... *after some silence* Harry? What are you thinking about?"

Harry: "You. Us. The band. Life after X-Factor. I don't want to go back to the bakery- my life is waiting for me out there and I can't leave it after I've already gotten a taste of the best this world can offer. I'm talking about you, you know. So now you can at least pretend to be flattered *Louis in mock awe* Oh you are the worst. Not actually. I know this is sappy and serious but I'm scared and I need you. I need this to work. I know this is my purpose and I know you are supposed to do it with me and I need you to promise me..."

Louis: "Promise you what?"

Harry: "That you won't leave me or any of this behind. That you are my forever and we will always be side by side doing what we love. And no matter what, you'll be with me. Cause that's all I really need. You're all I really need."

Louis: "Oh, Haz, you may be the sappiest person I've ever met *Harry pouts*. But I promise. They day I leave would have to be the day I stop loving you and I can assure you, that day will never come. As long as we both shall live."

Harry: "*relieved* Okay. *smiles*. That works for me."

Louis: "It better. Oh and Harry?"

Harry: "Yeah?"

Louis: "I love you, you know that?"

Harry: "Yeah, guess so *smiles as he shuts off the flashlight and cuddles into Louis' shoulder*

Present day

Hotel hallway in Sheffield, England, after the last OTRA concert, outside of Louis' hotel room

Louis: "*Knock on the door* I'm coming *shuffles over, pulling on robe in the process, looking through peep hole* Harry? *opens door to see Harry, still in his concert clothes, dragging his suitcase behind him* What are you doing here?"

Harry: "I'm leaving... I just wanted to say goodbye."

Louis: "What? I thought you were leaving in the morning! Liam's throwing a party and we were all going to say our goodbyes then!"

Harry: "Yeah, I know. I just don't wanna say goodbye. So I'm just... running away."

Louis: "It's not really goodbye- it's just a break."

Harry: "*grumbling to himself* I've heard that before *Louis doesn't hear*"

Louis: "Before you know it, we will be back together. I think a break is exactly what we need- we get off each others backs for a little bit and then when we return, it'll be just like old times!"

Harry: "*grumbling to himself* Not just like old times... *Louis doesn't hear*

Louis: "So, don't worry about it."

Harry: "You and I both know that won't be the case. Liam will get a solo record deal and when he sees the money he's offered, he'll never go back. Niall probably doesn't want to come back just to be over shadowed again and you- Lou, you're having a baby. Your going to be a dad and if you want to be in this kids life, you can't be living on a tour bus!"

Louis: "*face falters for a bit before he recovers a mock firm face* I don't understand why you have to be so melodramatic about everything! You have an incredible life! Men want to be you, women want to be with you! Stop complaining, you're fine!"

Harry: "*eyes filled with tears* that used to be one of the things you loved about me."

Louis: "What?"

Harry: "My dramatic side. That used to be one of the things you loved about me. I guess you don't love anything about me anymore.."

Louis: "*sighing* Harry you know why we can't be together-"

Harry: "Louis it's over! This dream of ours has come to an end and we're free! So if you love me, if you really love me like you did all those years ago, you'll come with me."

Louis: "Come with you where?"

Harry: "Italy. Think about it: Tuscany, wine, and years of avoidance to catch up on. Just you and I. *pulls out two tickets from his pocket* I got you a ticket. Let's go. Let's just be us for a couple of weeks. Like old times. Not popstars, not band mates but us. Lou and Haz. What do you say?"

Louis: "*looks from Harry to the ticket several times, a desperate look on his face* I can't."

Harry: "*sighs* So it is true.

Louis: "What?"

Harry: "That you don't love me anymore. That you haven't for a while. That after you started preaching it you started believing it."

Louis: "I do love you. God, I love you so much. You are so special to me and I couldn't possibly be more in love with you. But some loves are forbidden."

Harry: "*laughs unenthusiastically* Do you hear yourself? Forbidden? Really? What are you so afraid of? *raising voice* Why are you so afraid of everything! I love you! What more do you need? If you loved me too, that would be enough. If you really loved me, you wouldn't be so afraid. *takes second ticket and rips it* You know what's the worst? I still love you! I love you and I'll never get the chance to be loved back by you. Do you remember what you promised me all those years ago??"

Louis: "That I'd never leave you."

Harry: "Well guess what Louis, you don't just break promises, you break hearts. You left me a while ago in the dust after they told us we had to stop. You left me for fame. Well now I guess I'm leaving you. Unless... *breaking down* I can't do this. Make me stay. Remind me why I fell in love with you. Why I've been in love with you ever since. Tell me and I'll throw away that ticket. We can spend the night talking under the pillows just like old times. We can pretend this never happened and that this is the X factor and one direction hadn't even started yet. Please, I beg of you."

Louis: "Harry, I love you. I love your-"

Unknown Woman inside Louis' hotel room: "Lou, when are you coming back to bed?"

Louis: "Harry I can explai-"

Harry: "Don't. That was all I needed. You've spent so many years pretending to be this guy that you've actually become in. You aren't the boy I fell in love with. You're a man. A selfish one at that. And I couldn't ever love you. I know the one I love is in there somewhere but until he comes out, I can't deal with this. Good bye, Louis. Maybe one day the love of my life will find me. He'll be free from fear and he will love me the way that I deserve. But until then, I've got to go."

Louis: "*in awe as Harry walks away down the hallway, not looking back. after he is halfway gone, louis calls out" Wait! *Harry turns his head. Louis begins to cry* Don't leave me."

Harry: "*lifeless* I already have"

*Louis watches as Harry enters the elevator and watched as the doors close on him. He continues to stand in his door way, until he finally reintegrate and shuts the door behind him.*

done. tell me your thoughts!

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