Zarry~ I think I love you

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{Zayn's P.O.V}

"LOUIS" Harry screamed, giggling as he and his best friend through pillows and just about anything they could find at each other.

I couldn't help feeling upset that it wasn't me laughing and smiling with Harry, but Louis.

Why even bother Zayn? He obviously is in love with Louis! Everyone could see it! Even when Louis wasn't around it was always "Louis this, Louis that, guess what Louis did?"

I mean sure Louis was one of my best mates but I really wished he was just out of the picture.

"Could you guys stop? It's really annoying" I spit out, frowning at them.

"Aww Zayn don't be a party pooper" Louis whined annoyingly.

"Shut up Louis, no one likes you!" I growled and stalked off to my room, with just enough time to see Harry go over and comfort Louis with a big bear hug, or 'Hazza hug' as he called it.

As soon as I got up to my messy room, I slammed the stupid door, rattling my big mirror, and locked it, turning to go fall on my bed.

Without even realising it, I started crying into my pillow.

Great, Zayn now Louis AND Harry hate you.

A slightly rushed knocked lightly rapped against my door.


"Zayn, open up it's Lee!"

"Fine" I stood up, an opened the door for my best friend to come in.

He frowned, at my red puffy eyes.

"Are you okay, Zayn?"

"No" I sighed. I guess I had to tell someone. Maybe it would make me feel better. And besides, Liam is my best friend and he always knows exactly what to say.

"Why Z?"

I motioned for him to sit down next to me.

"Lee," I began, scanning to make sure no one else was around. "Lee, I think I'm gay."

"Aww, Zaynekins that's okay! There's nothing wrong with being gay! I know LOTS of people or gay, bi and lesbian!" He said, cheerfully and comforting.

"That's not the problem, Liam" I said looking at my feet.

"Then what is?" he said, slightly surprised.


"What? Zayn, slower."

"I think that I'm in live with Harry but he doesn't love me back because he is in love with Louis and he hates me."

Liam laughed, not a giggle, or a chuckle but I real, long, hard, loud laugh.

"Liam! It's not funny I'm serious! You see I knew I never should have told anyone! Now you probably think I'm weird!"

"Oh Zayn, I know your weird, but not because you like Harry; because you don't think he loves you back." He said grinning.

"What are you talking about Liam? Anyone can see he loves Louis!"

"Of course he loves Louis! But as a friend-nothing more nothing less! Zayn, your blind if you can't see that Harry's in love with you! Heck, he was the one who sent me up here in the first place! He would have gone him self but he was afraid you were mad at him!"

"R-really? Are y-you sure?" I quivered.

"I'm positive Z! Now go down there! You need to tell him how you feel!"

"I don't know Liam..."

"Now!" he demanded, his 'Daddy Direction' side kicking in. "Or no mirrors for a week!"

"Fine!" I said, walking down the stairs quickly, where I could see all the boys gathered around the T.V screen watching '17 again' and Louis yelling at Zac Effron.

"Harry," I whispered to the curly headed boy. He turned his head and grinned at me.


"Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, anything!"

"In private" I said motioning to the boys surrounding us.

He got up and followed me to the hallway.

"Harry, I really like you. Actually, Harry, I think I love you. I live the way your curls bounce when you walk, I live how when you smile the entire world seems to light up, I love the way your voice is so raspy but sweet at the same time. I love YOU. And today, when you were playing with Louis, I got REALLY jealous. I was jealous of him, because he was so lucky. He got you. And I know I've been acting weird lately but I just really love you an I can't take it any-"

I was cut off by a very soft pair of lips planting its self on top of mine. The kiss wasn't rough, but pure love. After a few seconds, he pulled away and his eyes bore into mine, the beautiful emerald shining it's way into my heart.

He smiled widely at me.

"If you haven't noticed already, I'm kind of in love with you too."

I chuckles softly and pulled him in for another kiss.

Today was perfect.


So that was the first one!! Please suggestions and requests are highly appreciated!!! Love you all!!! Thanks for reading!! Comments?


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