My Sun

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Everyone knows the day
they first fell in love.
fell in love.
A type of love they could never forget.
I remember that day.
The day I fell for you.

You, my sun.

We were laying in a field of those white flowers that grew in clumps of thousands.
You were reading to me,
your poetry you so often joked
wasn't about me,
but I'm pretty sure
you don't know another moon like I.
I nodded in agreement every time you said it,
because you love it when I agree with your lies that even you know
aren't going to hold up in the long run.

You had looked up at me,
raising your eyebrows
as I combed through your curly brown hair,
humming to a love song
I had forgotten the lyrics to.
I had stopped,
and you laughed.
So I laughed,
even though I didn't know
what we were laughing at.
But if you were laughing,
it was a crime not to do the same.
Just like it was a crime
not to fall in love with you in that moment.

In that field of tiny white flowers
With you in my lap
Laughing at my
Utterly raw
And beautiful
Love for you.

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