because i am reckless
because i am happy
because i am lonely
because i am young
because it is too early
because it is too late
because i love you
because i love you
because i love you
because i am starved
because i am tired
because i am ready
because i am clingy
because you say i am clingy
because i am searching
because i am lost
because i am too much
because i am too little
because i am bored
because i cannot hate you
because i cannot hate you
because i cannot hate you
because you are beautiful
because you are alive
because you are here
because nobody else is
because you stayed
because i want to
because i want to
because i want to
because i do not know what to do around you
because i do not know what to say around you
because i can
Of All The Stories I've Written, I Share With You, Stranger, These Few
Poetrymy best poems i've written summer of 2021 [beware of sensitive topics]