Chapter III. "Don't stop me now"

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Don't stop me now.

Marla arrived in front of the house, well in front of where the house was supposed to be. She was late, she was supposed to arrive thirty minutes earlier.

It was already dark in the Londonien streets but she had not managed an escape earlier.

She clutched the paper in her hands thinking about what she had just read and the house appeared in front of her. Between the 11 and the 13 numbers of the street, stood 12 Grimmauld Place, still homey and warm she thought sarcastically.

She walked the stairs and entered the house, walking through the protective spells.

In the dark corridor she could hear the talks coming from the kitchen

"Can we start the meeting Dumbledore, I believe everyone is here." Came a voice she could not identify.

"Not yet, Kingsley, we are still waiting for one more person I'm afraid."

At that, she pushed the door and entered the room, all the chatters suddenly stopping. She felt all the stares on her but focused her own on the old wizard who stood near the door.

"Sorry, I'm late." She said

"No worry," assured Dumbledore, "I am glad you could make it. This is the safe house I told you about."

Marla scanned the room until her gaze met the one of Sirius Black. She gave him a nod, "Thank you for letting me stay here."

"You're welcome, Darling." Came his answer and a wink.

Before Marla could utter another word, she was tackled by Molly Weasley in a really tight hug, the witch seemed on the edge of tears. She had only met Mrs Weasley on the platform 9 3/4 after her parents had dropped her but the oldest with had grew rapidly fond of the girl that held her son's attention.

"Oh Marla, it's so good to see you dear, Oh Merlin, I am so glad you are here."

She tried to return the hug awkwardly and Dumbledore finally had to pry to redhead witch from her.

"Maybe, we could keep the reunion for after the meeting Molly, we are already late and you will have time to talk afterwards." Said the wizard in a kind voice.

"Of..of course" said Mrs Weasley, sniffling. She went back to her seat and Dumbledore mentioned Marla to one at the end of the table, between Remus Lupin and the owner of the house himself.

Walking to her seat, Marla took her time to scan the people in the room. Mr Weasley was sat next to his wife, on his right was a witch she knew as Emmeline Vance, next to her was a tall, dark skinned wizard, next to him was Snape and then Remus. On the left of Sirius was Bill Weasley, who give her a smile and on his left... Marla felt her breath catch up in her throat at the sight of him. Charlie Weasley was starring right at her in all his glory, long red hair tied in a half bun, scars and tattoos running on his forearms and neck, skin freshly tanned from the Romanian weather and enchanting blue eyes watching her in the same shock.

She did not let herself admire him longer and took her seat, forgetting about the wizard next to him.

"I believe you all know Miss Blackbird here." Came the booming voice of Dumbledore.

She gave a tight nod to the table and Dumbledore started the meeting.

She half-listened to the talk around the table as she felt the eyes of the redhead sitting across from her and tried hard not to return the look. The voice of the old wizard took her out of her reverie.

"Marla, what news do you have for us?"

"Hum, right.." She once again felt the eyes of the room on her but she focused on Dumbledore.

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