Chapter XI. "Under pressure"

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"Under pressure"

The next morning, Marla was woke up by something jumping on her bed. She startled, reaching for her wand before realising that the threat was only a big black dog waving his tail at her.

"Why?" She asked, faking desperation. "I was in the middle of a dream!"

The dog only approached until he was close enough to sit on her lap and looked at her with sad eyes.

"Such a manipulator." She said while softly petting his head. He nuzzled into her touch, so much that he fell on her, causing her to lay back down with the dog on top of her. She deposed a kiss on his head before petting his side.

She let out a sigh.

"I should get up, they will be wondering where we are."

The dog didn't move, instead he seemed to trap her more beneath him almost purring when she would pet him behind the ears.

So, they stayed like this until they heard Mrs Weasley's screams below them, which were soon accompanied by those of Mrs Black.


Marla let out a snort and shook slowly Sirius who had fallen asleep on top of her.

"Let's go Padfoot or Mrs Weasley might burn the house down."

The dog stirred and looked at her for a while.

"Get out I need to change." When he didn't move, she pushed him out.

By the time she reached the end of the stairs, a total chaos reigned in the corridor. Mrs Black was still shouting but it was no use to shut her down considering the noise that all the others made. Harry was climbing over trunks and bags to reach a big black dog that seemed thrilled about all the chaos around him. Ginny was nursing a bad bruise from her collision with her brothers trunk, Hermione was reading a book right in the middle of the corridor, sat on her trunk and Fred and George were about to convince Ron to eat a suspicious looking candy. Marla smiled, the mess had a comforting feeling and seeing all of the kids excited to go back to Hogwarts only fuelled it. Upon seeing her, Fred and George abandoned Ron and joined her at the end of the stairs.

"We've got a gift for you Birdie."

"High value gift, unique of its sort."

George pulled three candies from his pocket.

"I'm not eating that." Said Marla.

"Of course not."

"We know you're not stupid."

"But you're gonna be bored since we won't be there anymore to brighten your day."

"So that's for another stupid person. To brighten your day."

Marla smiled at the thoughtfulness.

"What do they do?" The mischievous glint in her eyes shining.

"That's for us to know."

"And for you to find out!" They answered before running off to where their mother was screaming their names.

She heard Mrs Weasley call Harry,

"Harry you're coming with Tonks and me. Leave your trunk, Alastor will take care of it. Oh, for god's sake Sirius, Dumbledore said no!"

Marla watched the black dog following Harry with excited steps.

"Really, Oh and after all, do what you want!" Grumbled Mrs Weasley before opening the door and walking out, Harry and Sirius on her heels.

One after the other the kids and their escort left for the train station. Remus was the last one with Fred, George and Ginny.

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