Chapter XIV. "I was made for lovin' you"

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I was made for lovin'you

The next morning, Marla woke up to someone softly shaking her shoulder. She groaned at the soreness of her body before realising she was not in her bed.

After, Charlie left she had done the only thing she knew when she hurt and went straight to the kitchen before downing a whole bottle of fire whiskey.

Her head was pounding when she raised it from the table on which she had fallen asleep. Mrs Weasley was watching her with worry, her hand still on her shoulder.

"Let me get you a glass of water." Murmured the older witch. The sun was barely peeking behind the buildings. Marla could only watch with tired eyes as Mrs Weasley gave her a glass of water to nurse her hangover. After a while of silence during which, the matriarch had started to cook breakfast, Marla heard her mutter.

"He will be alright you know." She turned to Mrs Weasley, who was already watching her.

"Maybe not now," she continued, "but he will be eventually."

"How do you..."

She gave her a sad smile.

"I see you. You look at Sirius the same way you used to look at Charlie.. He's sad for now but he will be okay. You shouldn't feel guilty."

"How? I've hurt him so much, I never wanted to hurt him..."

"I know and that's why it will be okay."

"You're not mad?"

Mrs Weasley let out a small laugh.

"Of course not. I did believe you two would get married when you were at Hogwarts, but life has its way and it would be unfair of me to expect you to go against your feelings."

Marla let out a small smile.

"I promise you he will be okay, he's strong. Now, go take a shower before breakfast, you smell, dear."

Marla let out a laugh before following the order.

When she entered her room, she noticed the presents at the feet of her bed. She gladly opened the candies from the twins but didn't dare to eat one. Harry had gotten her a huge box of Honeydukes' finest and Remus had offered her a stuffed black dog. She rolled her eyes at the werewolf's antics before opening the last present from Mr & Mrs Weasley, expecting the fluffy jumper she loved so much.

The sight of the gifts did lessened her hangover but only for so long as she felt herself getting sick after standing for so long. She ran to the bathroom, before deciding she really needed that shower.

When she joined everyone in the kitchen, the atmosphere was as happy as any Christmas could be. They shared a Christmas lunch between excited chatter and laughs. Marla watched Charlie who sat between Bill and George. He clearly hadn't sleep a lot but he managed to laugh to his brothers antics, completely ignoring Marla, for which she couldn't blame him.

After lunch, the Weasley and Harry got ready to visit Mr Weasley, accompanied by Remus and Mad-Eye. They left in the car Fletcher had "borrowed" and enlarged with a spell and the house was suddenly silent. Marla walked to Sirius who was half asleep on the couch in front of the fireplace. She nudged him and he smiled, keeping his eyes closed but opening his arms for her. She wished she could join his embrace but she felt compelled to tell him of what had happened with Charlie. Not feeling her against him, Sirius opened his eyes.

"I need a hug before I give you your Christmas gift, darling."

When she did not returned his smile, he sat up.

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