Chapter XVII. "Beast of burden"

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"Beast of burden"

When Sirius apparated with Remus and Bill to the Burrow, a few hours after Charlie took back an unconscious Marla, he was hoping to hear chatter around the house, any signs really that the witch was fine but only silence greeted them in the early night of June.

They had managed to fight back the death eaters before Voldemort had managed to possess Harry. The boy had fought him and pushed him back of his head, Sirius was in awe of the boy that reminded him so much of his father. After that Dumbledore had assured Sirius that he would take the children back to Hogwarts. They were all shaken having seen Marla being tortured and Harry being possessed, it was not something they would ever forget.

Sirius rushed to the Burrow, banging on the door before Molly Weasley opened it, looking exhausted. Sirius' face fell at the grim look of the redhead witch.

"Where is she? Is she alright? Is she..."

"She's alive." Sighed Molly, "but still unconscious. I did what I could but I'm no healer, she should have gone to St Mungos.."

"Where is she?"

"In Charlie's room, first floor on the left." She said before opening the door wide to let them in. Sirius climbed the stairs, opening the door without waiting.

Marla laid in the bed, her face sickly white. Charlie was beside her, cleaning the blood of her nose with a wet rag. He looked up upon hearing Sirius, the young man still had tears on his cheeks, his eyes were red and puffy and his hands were shaking. Sirius sat across from him on the bed, cradling Marla's hand in his, she was still bound by the chains, none of them knew how to broke them. He did not realised he was crying too until he felt the tears stream in his cheeks. They both sat in silence, watching Marla and praying to Merlin that she would wake up.

In the kitchen Molly Weasley was brewing two cups of tea for her son and Remus, both men sat with vacant looks at the table with Mr Weasley, worry shining in their eyes.

"What happened?" Mrs Weasley asked finally, "Charlie was so distraught he couldn't speak. He only told me that she had been hit by the cruciatus and another spell he had never seen.."

When it was clear Remus wouldn't talk, Bill cleared his throat and began to tell his mother the dreadful day.

"We couldn't broke the chains."

"Yes, that was to be expected. Dumbledore will come when the kids are safe." Said Remus.

"So.. he tortured her in front of all of you, in front of the kids?" Said Mrs Weasley with a shaky voice.

Bill merely nodded. "I don't think Ginny saw too much, she had turned her head when I saw her."

Mrs Weasley broke in sobs.

"My babies.." She sniffed.

Her cries were cut by Charlie and Sirius entering the room. Both men looked like they had went to hell and back.

"We need to break the chains," said Sirius, "it slows her healing, it's taxing the little energy she have left."

"We can't, we tried Sirius, they won't break."


Charlie was the one who had shouted, his palm hitting the table violently, his whole body shaking.

"We can't let them on her, she.. she won't wake up if we do! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

As that moment, Albus Dumbledore appeared in the fireplace of the Burrow. Without any word, he took towards the stairs, quickly walking up, leaving behind him dumfounded faces. Charlie was the first to get out of his shock and followed the wizard up the stairs, as did everyone.

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