Chapter XVI. "Highway to Hell"

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"Highway to Hell"

"They are in the Department of Mystery, we don't know which room but we better find real quick. We make three teams, when one has found them send a patronus to the other and wait before doing anything. The death eaters are here and we don't know how many of them there are so we don't take any risks. Blackbird you're with me. Black with Tonks and Shackelbot, Lupin with Charlie and Bill. Let's go."

Marla only noticed the two redhead next to Tonks. They must had come back from their mission early, she could only send Charlie a smile before Mad-Eye was dragging her with him towards the rooms. They explored every rooms they could find, walked along the broken prophecies and shelfs. Mad-Eye stopped.

"They clearly were here, let's regroup I think we're close.." And he sent two patronuses.

Minutes later they heard the six pairs of footsteps and continued on the way to the last door.

A pained scream was suddenly heard in the tense atmosphere.

"That's Longbottom," murmured Remus. The scream came from the last door at the end of the corridor and without wasting more time they all ran toward it. The doors opened loudly and Marla stopped at the scene before her, she heard Tonks threw a stupefaction spell toward Malfoy next to her. She saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom, all had scratches along their bodies but they were alive. She couldn't think longer before the threw herself in the battle below her, aiming toward Bellatrix who was probably the reason of Neville's pained scream. She casted spells after spells towards her but the mad witch was skilled, her lips curled in a sadistic smile before she screamed.

"She's here! She's here!"

At her voice, many of the death eaters looked towards the two witches, all had the same victorious smiles and Marla knew something was wrong, she sent Bellatrix flying in a wall.

"Get her!" Screamed Lucius who was trying to make his way to Harry and the prophecy clutched in his hand while the boy duelled Dolohov. She saw Sirius run toward them and taking Harry's place before telling him to leave. Charlie and Bill were duelling two death eaters, Tonks and Kingsley as well. Mad-Eye and Remus were dragging the children away from the fight. The death eaters were too many, there was only eight of them against at least fifteen of theirs. Marla threw spells around her, she saw Sirius now duelling Bellatrix and tried to make her way toward them. In the corner of her eyes she saw Neville Longbottom drop the bulb of light, the prophecy shattering at his feet. Something less to think of, she thought before feeling herself being disarmed. She turned toward her assaillant, Macnair had a crazy smile as he hold her wand in his hand.

"What you gonna do know Blackbird?"

"I thought you knew." She simply said before closing her eyes, feeling the ancestral magic course through her veins, when she opened them again Macnair looked even more pleased and she hated that. She threw whists of white light toward him, enough to have him thrown back hardly against the wall and ripped his pleased expression.

"Get her! Somebody get here!" She heard Malfoy scream again but another sound caught her ears. Sirius was laughing was duelling his cousin,

"Come on! You can do better than that!"

Marla did not wait, she saw the spell growing in Bellatrix's wand and the open position of Sirius. She enveloped him in white light, forming a shield around him, Bellatrix green spell reverberating against it. The fight seem to stop after that, both Sirius and Bellatrix turning to watch her but the power Marla had mustered to block the death spell had tired her and she fell to her knees.

"Now!" She heard Bellatrix cackled and she suddenly she felt two figures behind her, her hands being harshly held in front of her and locked in familiar chains, the metal already burning her skin. Sirius tried to run towards her, screaming her name but his cousin disarmed him, her wand at his throat.

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