Chapter 15 - It Was Written In Blood

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It Was Written In Blood


"Why did you wake me up for this?" She asked.

"I wasn't going to leave you in the house alone." She grabbed onto my hand tight and ran along beside me. My red and blue shirt hanging off of her and waving in the wind. The street was dark and damp. Street lights lit up only a circle every three meters and ally ways lined up after every building. The fear on Alice's face pleasured me to the gut. I felt her clench my hand once we stood hand and hand at two large black doors. I pushed the swinging doors to the bar open and gripped Alice's hand. The bar echoed with laughing and conversations from many men. I approached the bar where I made contact with my mate John. I smiled at John from behind the bar.

"You brought a friend this time." He shouted as he cleaned a small glass.

"I guess you could say that." I laughed.

"Ello, where abouts are you from." John smiled at Alice. She gripped onto my hand tighter and smiled back.

"Here actually." Alice laughed nervously. He nodded and smiled at me.

"They are ready for you down the stairs." John nodded. I nodded back and was determined to sort this mess out.



"They are ready for you down the stairs." John nodded. I gripped Olis hand and followed him towards the chocolate covered doors.

"Where are we-"

"It's okay." Oli reassured. I nodded and gulped. I was not up for this shit. The crooked wooden stairs led down to a silent room. Oli stepped into the open room with me following close behind.

"Aaayyyyeee." Men yelled. I shook at the presence of the three unknown men sat in a circle before a poker table. Cards sat in piles in the middle of the table and so did little coloured counters.

"Chicks aren't aloud down here." An old and dirty man said. Oli looked back at me and shrugged.

"Let's get on with this." Oli sat down at the table with the rest of the guys. I sat down next to him and laid my hand down onto his thigh. I small swinging light hung from the ceiling and the room was filled with storage boxes. This definitely wasn't a known poker room. I didn't understand poker at all nor did I have an interest in it. Olis hand slipped under the table and caressed my hand on his thigh. The dried blood remained on his buckled knuckles and so did a chicks numbers.

"So Oli, you know how this game works." The old man rubbed the cards together and started handing them out.

"Money and precession with a little bit of vodka." Oli smirked. They all chuckled and nodded. This didn't sound good to me, from here it looked like that old man just wanted to bite Oli in the ass.

Oli slid in a pile of money and a bag of weed.

"Well done son." The old man nodded. He reached into his leather jacket and pulled out stacks of money held by an elastic bands. The two other men pulled out stacks of money and a few lose change with a ring.

"Let's play." The younger man from across the table said with a wicked grin. The game was tense. No one spoke nor did anyone even flinch. It made me want to stop breathing.

Olis anger was building stronger throughout the game and so was the other men. I couldn't help but stare at the man across from Oli. I feel like I've seen him beforehand. He looked so familiar

"Fuck!" Oli yelled. He stood up from the table and threw his cards across the board. The old man chuckled in pleasure.

"Here... Since you have lost most of your money." The old scabby man stared at Oli. Oli glared at him."How about you take your money back and we can play again for the lady, just me and you." He gestured to me.

"I don't fucking think so." Oli said through gritted teeth and slammed his knuckles against the table.

"That women, you want to know how much I would bet for that. Five grand." He spat. Oli stepped back and caressed my back with his hand.

"You couldn't buy her any day!" Oli spat "don't you think your a sick cold bastard for buying young chicks that won't go near your wrinkly mess." Oli directed to his crouch and chuckled. My hands were shaking and my stomach was swirling in waves.

"The look on her face. It pleasures me." The old man said. Oli walked two steps towards him and grabbed him by his collar. The anger in Olis eyes sent shivers down my back.

"Oli stop." The young boy said from across the table. Olis head shot up and looked at him.

"Fuck off." He grunted. His fist pulled back behind his figure and swung back to the man with force. The old mans face buckled but never bled until Oli pulled another punch and another punch until eventually the mans eyes closed. I gasped and took a step back. Was he dead? Did Oli kill him? Oli was stuck in the zone so much that he cranked his fist back for the last time and bolted it into his chest. The old man coughed up a tiny substance of blood and let out a croaky breathe. Oli smiled at his work.

"Don't you realise what you've done." The young boy shouted at Oli. Oli's eyes widened and he finally realised what his master piece really was.

"Shit." He whispered. without a whisper he grabbed my hands and the stacks of money on the table and dragged me back up the stairs. We ran through the bar making a big scene.

"Oli!" I heard John tell from behind us.

"Oli, this will haunt you like before." The young man followed behind us out of the bar.

"It was his own fault Tom" Oli growled as he opened the doors to the street. My feet were falling over each other and I couldn't keep up with Olis pace.

"He's dead." Tom said once we stood outside. I fell onto the hard concrete and sobbed. Oli ran to my side and grabbed my figure. "It's okay." He hushed.

"Everything is not okay! You just k-killed somebody." I sobbed. I gripped onto his T-shirt and brought it to my eyes.

"Please, not now. We need to go!" Oli grabbed my lifeless body and carried me down the street. He's the devil. That poor old man had a life and Oli took it from him over a game of poker.

"What would mum say to this." Tom yelled at Oli as they ran down the streets pavement."

"Nothing tom because she's dead. Stop trying to pull mum into every situation I fuck up." He responded. I looked at Olis sad eyes from his arms. He caught onto my gaze and mouthed "I'm sorry." I caressed my hand over his cheek and brought my lips to the other.

"Who is this chick anyway." Tom looked at me.

"Alice." Oli breathed once they finally stopped at their cars. Oli opened the passenger door and laid me down on the seat. He quickly fastened the seatbelt around my body and clicked it into the space. He slammed the door shut and ran round the other side. Oskar jumped into my lap and snuggled into my stomach.

"We are going to your house." Oli sped off down the street.

"Why?" I don't want weird people coming to my house nor do I want Oli being a knob about it.

"Because that old guy will have friends and when they find out who killed him. I will be next." He glanced at me before he turned a corner. I nodded and sighed. The car ride was silent. I looked at Olis hands which were covered in fresh blood that ran up his arm and onto his shirt. Specks of the red liquid covered his cheeks and forehead. I shook in the seat. Realisation hitting me faster than a gun shot.

I'm falling for a murderer.


Oh damn.

I'm still not sure if this was the right path to go but waaaay Oli killed a man.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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