Chapter Six - Silent Changes

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Taking in a deep breath as the waves rolled in against the sand and stone beach Layla tried to relax her mind. The last few days had been lovely, but something how little things stopped working was starting to seem like less of a coincidence. First it was the internet connection and tv connection, which Zero said was most likely down to local connection going down. Today however when she tried to ask Zero to use his connection to let her check her emails, he had told her he couldn't let her use his system. Pulling her knee's to her chest, Layla rested her chin against them as her eyes focused on the sea ahead of her. The waves seemed almost restless as they continued to crash in gentle waves against the shoreline. Thinking about the way Zero had been acting along with the sudden lack of access through technology, left her mind coming to only one conclusion. Zero was cutting them off. It seemed like they had been together for so long now, but in reality it had only been just over three months. On their last visit for Zero's evaluation Layla remembered being taken aside, and told in no uncertain terms the next visit would be the last.

 The experiment had gained good results from what they had said, and now they wanted Zero returned so he could be given final updates ready for official use. A tight pain clenched in Layla's chest knowing she had no way to fight the decision. She had always known one day he would be taken back, and had tried to give Zero as much freedom and good memories as she could before it happened. At the time Layla knew Zero would have heard everything said to her, so she had no doubt now he knew as well as she did their time was coming to an end. When they returned home there would be a week at most before Layla got the call to bring him back for the last time. Turning away from the salty breeze to look towards the lodge, Layla's grey eyes searched for any sign of the black haired A.I. He usually stayed by the windows while she went on walks, and seemingly today was no different.

In the windows of the large kitchen stood the dark haired A.I she had grown so close to. It was close to dinner time so he would be cooking yet again. Shaking her head looking away, swearing she could feel his eyes on her from where she sat Layla turned back to her thoughts. She wasn't too upset over the lack of internet or tv, even her emails could wait a while longer since everyone important knew she was on holiday. What Zero was planning next was her main concern. Cutting them off while they were here was one thing, but she knew him well enough now to know he was planning something far bigger than just isolation. The question that was plaguing her mind was what she could do about it. Just like the first day he came to live with her she knew if he really wanted to do something, there was little to nothing she could do to stop him. So she could either play along, help him or play ignorant to everything he was doing like she had been so far. Frowning at the foaming water's edge, Layla admitted to herself how dangerous any of those choices were. While she was sure Zero wouldn't hurt her, others would not hesitate to use their full power to punish her choice.

 The people who technically owned Zero, the higher silent partners for letting their asset get loose or even the public population depending on how bad things got. Huffing at herself for over thinking Layla pushed herself up, brushing off her trousers before turning towards the lodge. She still had time before she had to face everything, or decide on anything so for now she was choosing to stay ignorant. At least for now. Getting inside Layla put aside her jacket and headed upstairs, there was still some time before dinner so there was time for a quick swim. Picking up her swimsuit she frowned feeling it was still damp, reluctantly she headed to the draw picking out her bikini set. She had brought it with her so she had another choice if she wanted it, now though it would work until her swimsuit was dry. Not thinking more on it Layla began stripping down changing into the two thin pieces of material, heading for the heated pool more than ready to relax in the warm water.

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