Chapter One - Introductions

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Layla wrapped her arms around herself as she continued on her way down the busy street, it was just past nine in the morning and most of the people were heading to work; the busy crowds moving in an organised mess. Doing her best to doge the various people who carelessly barged into others as they fought their way down the street she looked up searching for the sign that would take her to the building she was heading towards, despite her god father working there she had never visited it herself and if anything was very unsure about wither she wanted to or not; but she had agreed to hear the professor out. Finding the sign attached to the side of a junction she slid her way past the people, silently thankful she was fairly small at only 5'4; she was an athletic build thanks to years of being in several of her former schools sports clubs. She had always been lucky with her weight as she didn't gain easily or lose too quickly and despite not being stick think as some models were she loved her body, her curves complemented her look and her breasts were not huge which was a plus in her eyes; she had friends with larger chests when she was younger and all of them now even before getting middle aged suffered with their backs. Walking the road Layla looked around noting the road becoming greener as tree's and grass became more common, setting it into a more peaceful place than the city like environment she had just travelled through; breathing through her nose at last she noted the crisp smell of greenery and it instantly put her mind at ease. Looking ahead a large set of gates was in sight leading up to what looked almost like an old university made form a grand building, but amongst the older build it was clear that newer more sleek buildings and renovations had been added; making it all in all a large and calm looking place. With the nature around it the building didn't seem to be as daunting as she had pictured and Layla was only slightly nervous as one of the guards at the gate looked at her through the window in the small gate house, the middle age man looked her up and down clearly unsure of what to make of her old jeans and worn brown boots that she wore with a black off shoulder sweater; blushing in embarrassment she suddenly wished she had picked something more fashionable but this morning she had rushed having over slept and wanted warmth not style on her side.

"Can I help you miss?" Looking up to see the man now offering her a calm smile she returned it, she had no reason not to after all as she came closer to speak. "I was asked to come meet Professor Crane for nine thirty. Sorry but I didn't ask where I was suppose to go to meet him" He looked down into a book in front of him before frowning lightly asking her to wait a moment as he turned going into a room behind out of sight, straining to hear what he was doing Layla realised he had called someone and listened only making out a few words that made no sense; giving up she began rubbing her hands down her arms in an attempt to warm them. For autumn it was colder than usual and she had no coat yet, her old one had worn through in the beginning of spring and so far she hadn't been able to justify putting the money aside to buy a new one; planning to do so just before winter hit. Coming back to attention when the man reappeared she waited expecting to be told she was in the wrong place only to be passed a plastic id card on a clip, looking to it and back she found a smiled greeting her. "I just spoke with Professor Crane he is going to come and collect you and guide you to his office himself, that visitors card will give you access to all communal areas and let you inside the gates. Follow the main path till you reach the courtyard with the fountain and the professor will meet you there" Standing still in mild shock for a moment Layla finally snapped out of her stupor and murmured a thank you heading to the small side gate and held the card as she looked for where she was suppose to use it, after a few moments she noticed a black touch pad and touched the card to it making the gate slowly open; walking in she kept going down the path looking back as she heard the gate close itself behind her. Swallowing down her nervousness Layla kept going taking in the tree's and building she passed seeing people working with black boards and computers alike, as well as a few people coming and going all wither in a security uniform or in some kind of lab wear. Seeing a courtyard ahead a grand white fountain at its centre she swallowing looking around searching for the professor she was suppose to meet, a young man in a lab coat started towards her and Layla held onto her card ready to explain she was allowed inside. "Ah! Miss Drake thank you for coming, it's a pleasure to meet you"

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