Chapter Two -Unusual Interactions

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Licking her lips Layla watched the ma- A.I in front of her carefully not really sure what to make of him; the fact she could not have told he was not human on her own unsettling her greatly. Clearing her throat she blinked before meeting his green eyes, noting how they were a clear and vivid green; but thinking about it quickly the colour could be passable as natural if you had a good explanation after all her own eyes were not a normal colour for most normal humans. "I don't mean to be rude project Zero but-" Before she could say anymore the A.I cut in his voice calm and clear with no indication in his voice or body of being anything other than listening to her and simply correcting her mistake. "Zero. My designated name for you is Zero" Blinking once Layla shook off the interruption determined to finish this meeting as quickly as possible, although she wouldn't admit it something about this... person unsettled her. "Right, well Zero I don't understand why you would request me to be your tester; I am far from qualified and my work that I was told you read is far from extraordinary. And if I am honest I am not sure I want a stranger human or A.I in my home, for all I know you could be dangerous - no scratch that you are dangerous. But I agreed to come here and hear out what you all had to say, I will give you all two hours so I suggest you make your case; and before you say anything I do not take money as an incentive or want and or need you to complete tasks for me" She watched as the A.I tilted its head as if considering her, but stayed silent letting it take its time to process her words; knowing the advanced nature of its technology this thing may as well be human and think on its own which was one of the reasons Layla didn't want anything to do with it. She hadn't lied though, no matter how much money they offered her if she wasn't comfortable she would rather go on as she was than risk taking a potentially dangerous machine into her home; and the idea of it waiting on her every whim had no appeal. She wasn't lazy and if nothing else Layla was proud of her independence, if she accepted what they proposed and right now that was a large if; it - he would offer her a helping hand and went with her when she could take him along on her trips out. When he finally spoke she once again had to remind herself he wasn't human, his design was flawless looking like a young man in his prime with a lean but athletic strong build; handsome and clearly intelligent from the moment his low almost husky voice rang out. Somehow his voice though not real or recorded from what she could hear was flawless in how it was generated, there was no audible sound to the naked ear to tell it was synthetic and not a computer generated imitation of a human's voice; even his body moved like the real thing. Layla had taken him in very well despite trying not to take in his form, he made to the point where he had visible veins like a human would with something simulating blood flowing within; while even the small details like him appearing to breath was applied to his programming as he stood before her despite the lack of noise due to the act being artificial.

There was no way for her to identify that this A.I was not human, and as he spoke finally taking her gaze again she noted even his eyes changed as if they had working pupils instead of whatever camera or monitor he was built with; unsettling her despite his ear pleasing tone. "I was not intending to bribe you in any way, I have found from my research you are hard working and despite the lack of wealth many humans would aspire to have you seem content in yourself; but there is room for error in my evaluation as I have no first hand data on you. However I ask you to take this opportunity, not only for yourself and the many ways you could gain from the experience; but also for mine" Frowning Layla took in his face and eyes looking for any sign of intent but was left unsure as his face remained the mask of calm it had been, internally damming the artificial perfection's control on its facial control; and ended wrapping an arm around her middle wiping a hand over her face. Holding her own chin for a moment Layla looked back to him thinking over what he said, clearly this A.I either had access or had given itself access to records and files in some way; researching her before her arrival. Which meant its artificial intelligence was imminence and she suspected he was self aware, swallowing silently she let the fact sink in; and slowly rethinking her thoughts on the creation before her. Before she had been unsure and maybe cautious, but now she was far from both and silently cursed her curiosity; Layla knew she should just turn and leave and cut all ties with this place. But there was something bugging her and she needed to clarify it, glancing out noting there was no one in the corridor outside she decided to test a theory. "Is anyone close enough to hear us?" There was a slight change in the face and eyes before her, most wouldn't have seen it but she did; she wasn't going to play games with this machine and if it wanted something from her she wanted honesty from it. It may be intelligent but she knew when someone or in this case something was trying to get what they wanted, human or not Zero had a goal; and she was going to get to the bottom of it so when he opened his mouth she cut him off immediately. "I don't know how you are so good at it but no more ok? So answer the question please. Then depending on what I hear, I might go along with whatever you are planning... though I don't blame you" Layla had no idea why she had rambled on but she did understand why a intelligent being, despite being artificial would want to escape its locked in environment; that didn't mean she was willing to agree to anything until she heard what was being planned.

Artificial Beginnings ( Yandere/Possessive Artificial Intelligence )Where stories live. Discover now