Chapter Five - A World Apart

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Layla woke to the smell of fresh bacon and pancakes wafting into her room. Groggily she pulled herself up making her way out to find the source, stopping still when she found Zero coming towards her with a plate full of food in one hand and a steaming cup in the other. "Good morning Layla. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed, my research showed it was a universally welcomed gesture to ensure a good day" Blinking the last of the sleep from her eyes Layla felt a tingle of warmth at the nice thought, even if she wanted to slap the odd look from the A.I's face at the same time. Looking at the food she found the bacon was slightly over cooked but not burned like the pancakes, honey covering the surface of the dark brown imperfect circles. "I apologise for my results, next time I assure better. It seems the uneven heat distribution has worsened" Zero watched as Layla shook her head slightly offering a still sleepy smile taking the plate, lifting it slightly before turning to seat herself and dig into the food. He continued to try and insist she get a new oven but Layla insisted it could wait a while longer, even if she had the money the old oven was still working even if it was perfect. "Don't be sorry Zero this looks great. Thank you" Accepting the thanks the A.I turned tending to the mess he had made in the kitchen before Layla saw it, he had been tampering with the oven in attempts to repair it. But he knew even if his results were successful Layla would be upset after having told him not to do so. Unaware of his rapid cleaning away of evidence Layla set into her food enjoying it despite it being slightly crispier than would usually have. It was odd how she was so used to having the A.I in her home now. Zero had been living with her for over two months now, and other than during the spaced out visits when Zero was examined he acted like a normal man now. He had a few over protective quirks still, but Layla put that down to his programming that he couldn't control. Although the though continued to nag at her mind about that theory. Frowning she thought about the many times Zero had seemed to overcome his programmed responses. Always brushing off her attempts to question him when it happens like the moment never happened. Slowly putting her cutlery down realising she had finished everything on the plate, Layla pushed up heading to the sink once again finding Zero ready to intercept her empty plate. Rolling her eyes Layla let the A.I take it having gotten tired of fighting over the simple task a while ago. "Have you finished packing for our trip Layla? There is still time if you need to finish"

Nodding almost absently Layla smiled her excitement suddenly coming back. Zero had surprised her a week ago with the news he had entered a competition in one of the magazines she had given him and won. They had a large lodge to themselves which was located on a coast side beside a private beach. For one week Layla planned to use the indoor pool as the weather was still a little too cold for the sea, relax in the games room and lounge around especially in the king size bed she had claimed. Zero had no objections stating he would spend much of their time active, she still wasn't completely sure what he meant but let it go happy she had gotten the bigger bed. "Yep! We just need to wait for the rental car to turn up now" Zero returned her smile turning away with the plates. Layla went towards her room to get dressed her mind working away, she wanted to be ready for anything but was sure she was. Zero would drive to their destination which would be a good few hours drive, which no doubt she would sleep through. Then once they got there and unpacked they could relax and enjoy the week together. Neither of them knew how long after the trip ended Zero would be remaining with Layla any longer. Slipping on her clothes Layla felt her lips pull down at the idea of losing the A.I she had grown so close to, but the staff had been clear he needed to return now he had successfully integrated into society for final maintenance before allocation. She had no way to fight their decision, no matter how much she wanted to lie it would only have him returned sooner. The memory of how Zero had locked himself away when they got home that day still hurt to recall, shaking her head pushing it away Layla reached for her shoes as a four sharp knocks rang from the door. "Layla? The cars has arrived, I am going to collect the keys" Calling out a quick 'Okay' Layla listened for the front door to close, it still baffled her how Zero could walk so quietly. If it wasn't for making him knock before coming in Layla knew he would have given her a heart attack a long time ago, along with the many shocks she already got turning to find him behind her. Pushing up taking her case she quickly headed out of her room, only briefly scanning to making sure there was nothing she had forgotten. Finding nothing Layla went to begin turning off the appliances that shouldn't be left on unattended, rolling her eyes in mild annoyance seeing it already done. Despite knowing there were many people who would be grateful to have nothing to do, she was not one of them. Layla enjoyed having something to do. A few weeks in to Zero having first coming home Layla remembered snapping at him, now she felt bad for it but at the time she couldn't help it. He had taken over nearly every job in the house so she made a point of telling him to leave her something to do. Zero had seemed confused but delegated tasks for her all the same and since they hadn't had a issue. "Layla the car is ready, all that is missing before we leave is you and your case" Blinking at Zero as he came through the door a smile playing on his lips, Layla returned it with a happy nod. Swooping down she got to her case for the A.I sticking out her tongue at him in victory. Zero simply shook his head gesturing for her to go first out the door, and with a bounce in her step Layla took the invitation. Leaving Zero to lock up she headed downstairs her mind already focused on what to do on getting to their lodge, the pool taking the first place with ease.

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