Chapter Nine - Sometimes Reality Hits Hard

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"Hey, might want to look out of the window" Blinking up I saw Tank leaning against the door frame. Since the explanation last night I had only left my room once to eat breakfast, more due to the fact Zero now made it abundantly clear if I skipped meals he would tell me nothing. I was already in the dark so I decided to pick my battles, the more information I had to work with the better off I would be in the end. Frowning at the odd request he gave me I slowly stood up, walking to the large windows more curious than anything. Tank unlike Zero acted more impulsively, not always like a human but enough to make him seem so if I didn't know otherwise. He had also tried to be nice to me so far, so I had no reason to think this could be anything bad. Looking out I noticed Zero in the distance, my gut tightening when I noticed he wasn't alone. There were three others with him. 

"That's Spy Reaper and Cove out there with him, they are giving him a full system rundown before coming in. Zero didn't say I couldn't show you, and I thought it might make you feel more comfortable knowing they are here before you meet them" Looking back I looked the A.I up and down, he seemed relaxed yet his eyes were focused on me like he was evaluating my reaction. Then there was that little red light again. "Zero is watching isn't he?" Tank blinked, his expression slipping a little until that red light went out then he just burst into laughter. "You know he keeps saying your smart, but I guess I didn't fully get it until now. Your very observant Layla" Pushing away from the window, seeing the four bodies moving closer I let myself fall onto the bed. "Is that a good thing?" Honestly I had been asking myself more than him, but Tank's footsteps told me he came closer before he answered. "With us it's a very good thing" Glancing towards him again I took a second to consider something, knowing this might be my once chance to ask. "If I asked you, would you let me go or help me get out?"

For his part Tank didn't seem taken back or shocked, as he tilted his head he almost seemed amused. I wasn't going to lie and say I expected him to jump and say yes, still I wanted something to give me an indication on his thoughts. "You want my honest answer?" I nodded, I wouldn't have asked otherwise, plus Zero never seemed to have an issue with the truth so I expected it now. Taking a step away and sitting himself down on the nearest surface, which happened to be a storage chest with cushions on it Tank let his elbows on his knees. His eyes locking with mine as he seemed to set his face in a gentle smile. "Then honestly, no I wouldn't. Even if I could, which I can not with Zero being in full control I wouldn't. You clearly are a good human, you will be better off with us. Trust me I get what its like to feel imprisoned, but you have far more perks than we did" I had to force myself not to wince at that. He did understand being caged in, they all did far worse than I do right now. 

If anything that should mean they wouldn't want to keep me locked up right? Snapping back as Tank sighed I looked back just catching him standing, rubbing the back of his neck as a hand went to his hip. "Look I can't explain things that well. Maybe one of the female models will be able to better than me, but there is one thing you need to understand Layla" Sitting up I lent back against the top of the bed, already feeling a pulling in my stomach. "What is it you think I need to understand Tank?" The way his eyes glowed a little like Zero's was far more unnerving on him, I suppose I was used to it with Zero after all this time but on another A.I it bothered me still. "You are not getting away from him. Zero has marked you on every server, every system, there is no A.I out there who won't recognise you even if you did get out" I could feel that pull getting stronger and deeper as I sunk down into the bedding, there was no shock at that revelation but there was resignation to having no way out of this finally hitting hard. "So that's it? I just live my life in this lodge like some kind of pet?!"

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