Chapter Eight - Insightful Knowledge

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"Layla? Please come out of there, Zero is one no away from coming to get you himself" Layla kept her eyes closes floating in the center of the pool, letting the water lap around her calming her nerves. She had stayed in her room since the incident this morning, refusing lunch choosing to hide under the bedding as Zero tried continuously to coax her out. When Layla noticed it was almost time for dinner, and the smell of cooking food hit her nose she came up with the plan to go for a swim. It was rushed and not all too well thought out she knew but it was all she could think of. By the time she had her swimwear on hair up and was heading to the pool, Zero was coming up catching her midway. He made no attempt to physically touch her, but he had refused to give her space to pass until she agreed to eat dinner. Agreeing Layla following the A.I down far enough for her to dart towards the pool. To say Zero had been upset was an understatement.

 He had stood at the pools edge his green eyes looking like they would burn out they were so brightly lit, that was until Tank came in telling him his food was going to burn. After than Tank had been the one to come back and forwards to trying to get her from the pool. He had pleaded negotiated and now he was down to warning her Zero would be coming if she continued to refuse to come out. He would she knew that, but by sticking to her decision it gave her time to think over the events of the morning. It was all too clear when Tank left, the open space seeming vacant with only the sound of the moving water to meet Layla's ears. "Layla" That was until her name was spoken. Zero's voice was level, cool and void of anything that would give an indication of his mood. Opening one eye lazily Layla dared to glance at him, frowning when no one was at the pools edge. Her eyes to crack open as she straightened in the water, looking almost frantically to find him.

This was my limit. I had tried to be patient with her, but Layla was pushing me now by refusing to even listen to me. I had been watching her of course, not only through the lodges surveillance system but Tank's eyes as well. Despite her appearance of being calm floating in the water, the way her heartrate and vitals fluctuated at each attempt to bring her out gave her away. She was far from calm, so my attempts to do this without distressing her giving Tank the chance to coax her out was useless. Standing at the top of the pool stairs I hardened my eyes at her, knowing she was trying to find me but had not expected me to move. "I will be reasonable and give you to the count of ten to leave the pool, after that if you have not I will be coming in to get you myself" I turned on some more of my internal cooling systems, feeling myself running hot seeing her expression as she turned to see me. While I did not want to distress Layla, this expression seemed to spark something new and I instantly saved it away in my sealed filed to explore later. For now I needed to remove her from the pool, and at least try and make her eat.

 I took in how her body stiffened, moving slightly deeper into the pool as if that would stop me from coming for her. I began counting, each number seeming to make Layla consider her decision. Though by the count of eight it was clear she had solidified her choice to remain where she was. Letting a audible sigh leave my mouth, giving her a visible and audible sign that I was at the end of my patience I met her eyes. My hands reaching for the bottom of my shirt before I pulled it over my head throwing it aside. "Very well, remember I gave you the chance to leave the pool on your own. You chose this Layla" My hands went to work the belt as my eyes remained on my target in the water. I could see her heart rate breathing even blood pressure change, all within safe measurements of course. I would never them to go outside of those parameters, or stay above them for a prolonged period.

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