Chapter Four - Wheels In Motion

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"There! All set up ready to go" Layla was pleased with the new bedding she had picked out, despite the A.I not needing it she felt much better now about him using this room. With that aside after all this was over and done with the quilt pillows and bedding would last some time. Glancing at the plush material she regretted not ordering more for herself, but brushed the selfish thought aside for now. When the sales came she could get another set for herself but for now her old bedding was fine. Hearing movement Layla glanced towards the doorway finding Zero looking down at his new bedding, the glowing light that seemed to emit from his artificial eyes when he chose to let it shedding nothing on his thoughts. Although a small red light did catch her eye. A slight frown pulled at Layla's features seeing it yet again. She had noticed it while he set up his devices and then when she had come to say goodnight, the A.I had been watching the ceiling his eyes shining in the dark room with a single red dot diluting their glow. At the time tired from the long day dealing with her...Lodger-room mate? She had been more than happy to let the questions fall away in favour of sleep. But today was her last full day off before going back her part time studies and work, so ground rules and questions needed to be dealt with now. "Zero? What is the light in your eyes for? The small red one" For a moment there was no response as the A.I continued to gaze at the bed, slowly however he turned his attention towards Layla. His black hair falling low casting an almost ominous hood over his eyes, the sight alone made Layla wary of him. "I believe the light was originally designated to show my wireless connection being activated, however since has developed many functions as my software adapted itself" Nodding mutely at the information unsure of how to take it in Layla looked up when Zero continued on. "As the function seems to cause you unease I will disable it" The moment the words left his mouth Layla reacted a very loud no leaving her, only to clear her throat before beginning again with a calmer voice. "No-no leave it on. Now that I know what it is I feel a bit better" The A.I tilted his head as he came closer to her, the action was more like he was intending to interrogate her than anything else. For a moment the glowing green orbs watched her slowing moving as he eyed her face, until Layla looked away no longer willing to watch him with his eyes intently watching her. Clearing her throat she cautiously moved around his form trying not to touch him, although in the small space she couldn't help but brush his side. At first she thought it was odd he didn't feel cool like he had the first time they met, but then remembered what he announced over breakfast. He had come in after she had finished cleaning up informing her he adjusted his outer temperature and functions to her suggested specifications. She hadn't remembered telling him anything about changing his temperature or anything like that, but praised him all the same for trying to blend in all the same.

"Zero I think it's time to have that talk - about ground rules" There was a beat of silence before Layla heard him following her. She had already had the talk with him this morning about most things, like eating with her when out or how to talk to her in public but now more prominent rules needed discussing. "Of course Layla~" The way the words slipped from behind her made Layla want to shiver but she suppressed the urge the best she could. Yesterday he had been mostly neutral around her but as of this morning his behaviour had changed, it was almost as though the change in environment had flipped a switch in his head. In all honesty it wasn't frightening just weird to have him stand so close or speak to her the way he did. Sitting down making sure there was a bit of space between them when he did the same, Layla sighed before turning to the subject at hand. "Okay Zero I think first you should tell me if there are any rules you would like in place, or anything you want before I start sharing mine" Slowly the A.I blinked, the action most likely a programmed response on a timer than a conscious action. "Are there any restrictions to what I may request of you?" That question both surprised and put Layla on edge, but considering it slowly she decided not to judge his actions too soon. "Tell me what you want, we can negotiate the finer points after" A small pull at his lips was all the indication given he approved before Zero began, his tone suddenly very serious like he was laying down commandments rather than suggesting what he wanted. "I have five requests. First I do not want to be separated from you Layla unless unavoidable. Such as when you are in work, after such time I will come to you or you shall return to me" Layla felt like there was something behind that request that wasn't being shared, but thinking it over she couldn't see any harm in it really. One of her rules would be privacy when needed so it shouldn't cause any issues. "I can do that Zero, BUT there will be times I will want privacy so don't expect 24/7 access to me" A confirming nod came quickly as Zero took in her response, relieved he wasn't fighting that Layla stayed quiet so he could continue on. "Second I request from now onwards I take on house hold tasks direct to your care, such as cooking. It will allow me to care for you and learn more human attributes" Instantly Layla wanted to object. He was not a servant and she did NOT need looking after. If he genuinely wanted to she could let him, however she had not intension of letting him do it just because he was programmed to. Giving him the best critical sideways glance she could muster Layla tried to get across how she wasn't fond of the idea with just a look, which seemed to prompt Zero on. "I understand you do not require such actions from me or want me to act on programming like a servant. I however do want to take such a role, both to learn and to see to your care" As reluctant as she was to accept this one Layla slowly nodded, her voice low but stern. "Fine. Don't be surprised if I fight you on it later though" Zero moved to sit up straighter his face twitching momentarily into one that resembled pride at winning, but it was gone as soon as it came leaving Layla to wonder it she had even seen it.

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