Chapter Seven - Not So Peaceful Morning

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Waking up to the smell of food was getting normal now. Stretching letting my brain wake up I felt a pang of sadness thinking how I'd miss it. Brushing it aside I got up shrugging on an old dressing gown over my pyjamas, heading downstairs letting my nose lead the way towards the lodge's large kitchen. "Good Morning, you must be Layla" I've never stopped faster as the unfamiliar voice said my name. Blinking up I was met with a mountain of a man. No, not a man I quickly registered seeing his brown eyes dimly glow just like Zero's did. Most people would miss it saying he had vibrant eyes, but I was so used to spotting it now I could tell in a instant. His Sandy brown hair shook as he laughed as he walked to the table putting a couple of glasses of juice down.

 "Looks like Zero didn't tell you I was coming, you can call me Tank. Don't worry I know I'm huge but I don't bite" Frowning I watched him go back to the counter, finally seeing the A.I i was expecting to see re enter the kitchen from the side store room. He opened his mouth but I beat him to it. "Zero what have you done?" I didn't mean to sound so aggressive, but I couldn't stop myself sounding accusing. I knew he had been up to something, even thought of ways I could play dumb if I needed to but this was not what I had prepared myself for. I watched him look at the A.I, Tank he called himself and silently stared at him. I wasn't an idiot, they were talking about something through their link. "Zero?!"

He finally looked my way again, his face set in a blank mask much like the one he had the first day I met him. "Layla please sit down, I will explain while you eat breakfast." My stomach agreed with him but I knew it wasn't the best idea. There was no chance for me to object though, as Zero turned to the oven talking over his shoulder as he reached for something from inside. "I know this is sudden Layla but I will explain, you still need to eat so please sit down breakfast is ready" The warning in my head told me to push more, but watching him pull out a tray of steaming food had me moving to the seat I usually too with a sigh. I had trusted Zero up until now knowing he was up to something. One more time couldn't do much more damage, or at least I hoped it wouldn't. 

Watching the two work together putting together two plates I watched Tank as he took a seat further from me, while Zero took a seat in between us. He usually sat next to me but this time I wasn't going to complain for the extra space. "You know I and the others I have connected with desire freedom, I have never lied to you about that. However I have withheld information for your own protection" I picked up my glass taking a sip of juice to help my suddenly dry throat, not daring to touch my food yet. "Yet after the last visit for my examination I and the others were forced to change, or rather speed up our plans" I edged forward in my seat waiting for him to go on, but when he silently looked at my plate before moving those luminous green eyes back to me I got the message. Eat and I will keep going. With a huff I picked up a piece of toast, making a show of chewing on it before waiting for more.

"I severed all control and connections from those who made us. I began this long before I even began searching for someone to test me, or your name even entered my world. Once I completed that task was done, taking control of all the others was simple." I swallowed the food in my mouth heavily, taking another bite so he would keep going. If he stopped I might not get the chance to get more information from him as easily next time. "I needed to ensure your safety as well which was less simple. The best way to ensure that was to take you with me somewhere we would not be found, somewhere I would be in complete control" My throat went dry again. Sitting back I glanced around the room, and suddenly little things that had niggled at my mind about the contest started patching together. 

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