Chapter Ten - An Unsettling Reality

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Sitting on the blanket Layla let herself fall back against the tree it was under, more than happy to just be outside. The light breeze was playing with her hair, leaving a pleasant chill over her skin after being inside for so long. "Would you like something to drink Layla? Zero packed a small basket for us, I think there is at least three different drinks in here" Looking over at the smiling A.I Layla considered her again. Cove was on the shorter side of the three she had met that morning, standing around five foot four. Her skin was a healthy almond tone very common for region she had been built in, as was her glossy sheet of black hair hitting mid back. Her eyes were a pale tone of brown, which still seemed to glow despite their darker colour at times just like Zero's. She seemed very pleased to be around Layla when they met that morning, almost like she was excited to be allowed near her. Reaper had seemed more reserved on meeting Layla, the taller female's body standing at five foot six easily. Her own hair was a mixture of mousey browns with blonde highlights, which settled well with her hazel eyes that had been cautiously watching Layla's movements.

The final of the three to have arrived, Spy was another matter. He had stayed close to Tank showing no desire to approach Layla at all. His dark brown eyes never lingering on her for more than a fleeting moment, never meeting hers. His body was not as large or as strongly built as Tank's, but his build with his ebony skin still made him appear strong all the same. From what Layla had observed he also seemed to have a habit of running a hand over his hair, the curls sitting neatly cut at the top shortening with two lines shaved in on the sides. The look combined with his neatly cut beard almost made the A.I seem older and more mature than the others, even though he appeared to be built to appear around the same age. Feeling eyes on her Layla brought herself out of her reflection of the three, shifting a little in her position before answering. "I'm fine thank you. I'm still full from the breakfast Zero made, as well as the apple juice he kept putting in my glass" A smile filled Cove's face as she shook her head, putting the basket down she had been holding. Taking a seat opposite Layla, sitting on her legs posture very straight she seemed completely at peace.

"I know his behaviour must be overwhelming at times, but he is trying to take care of you" Frowning a little at the way the Cove was brushing over the behaviour, Layla shifted a little again in place. Cove had shown she was very polite in how she spoke, however she was clearly trying to make anything Zero did appear normal. Zero had not so much as spoken a word to any of the others in front of Layla that morning, so the invitation to go for a walk as well as how Cove was acting seemed like her own actions. Layla knew that might not be true, but she was trusting her instinct on the matter not having much evidence to say otherwise. Turning to look out over the open space in front of the house, Layla decided to ask the nagging question on her mind. "Is this as far as I am allowed to go?" Looking over as discreetly as she could she still saw nothing to give her any clue, Cove's smile still in place as she watched Layla with an almost patient motherly energy around her. Having been around Zero and Tank alone so far it was almost comforting in its own way. After a minute of no answer Layla turned back to face Cove, which seemed to be what she had been silently waiting for.

No sooner had she turned Cove spoke. "This is where Zero approved for me to bring you for our small outing, though if you want to go for a walk there is still a short distance more I am permitted to take you. That distance is set with your safety in mind, so please understand it's a boundary none of us will waver on" Nodding slowly Layla moved herself to sit closer to Cove as she began setting out food, clearly intent on her eating something before they finished their picnic. So far from what she had seen Layla was convinced all of them like Tank had been exposed to people, allowed to learn how to be around humans in some way. Not the same way Zero had with his freedom with her, but still enough for their behaviour to appear natural. As it had been made clear so far that she wouldn't be given insight into a lot of things going on, like what was happening outside of the lodge Layla used her imagination for how they got here. Zero explained where the facilities which made them were, so that meant the three travelled vast distances in a short time period.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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