Chapter Three

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Adrian was just about to give up on finding his glasses when a slender hand holding the very spectacles he had been looking for popped into his limited field of view.

"Looking for these?" Ericka asked the dapper gentleman infront of her.

Adrian looked up to the somewhat blurry face infront of him, green locked with blue and he could see her clearly, a purple swirl went across his eyes and it felt as though his long dead heart raced.

Ericka, unbeknownst to herself also had a similar purple swirl go across her eyes when this handsome stranger looked at her and somehow nothing else mattered.

"Yes, thank you" Adrian said taking her hand with his glasses in it and standing up, pulling her up along with him, but not letting go of her hand which felt so soft in his.

Ericka smiled at him and almost allowed herself to get lost in those greenish yellow eyes that just kept sucking her in but shook herself out of it, she had a mission to focus on.

"You're welcome" she said more coldly then she meant to, dropping her hand and going over to Dracula putting on her best sultry look.

Adrian felt angry and hurt but also shook himself out of it 'I don't know her, why should it matter?' he thought placing his glasses back on.


"So, you must be the one and only Dracula, i've waited for so long to meet you, wow you really don't age i would kill for your skill" Ericka said putting on her best flirting forward.

"Uhm, yes" Dracula chuckled sheepishly feeling uncomfortable by Ericka's evident advances "And this here is my wife, uh i mean, my girlfriend Valerie Grimm" he said pulling her infront of him.

"Hello" Valerie smiled kindly, hiding a raging inferno behind a friendly smile "It's nice meeting you captain Ericka, you may have already met my brother Adrian, he's a grim reaper" she said pulling him infront of her and escaping with Drac to as far away from Ericka as possible.

Plus she had seen the look they shared and knew it anywhere

"Oh my, a reaper she said?" Ericka asked genually interested.

"Yeah" Adrian simply replied looking anywhere except her because he knew he'd just devolve into a mess if he did, he's thankful he didn't the first time.

"You seem human enough though" Ericka said.

"Well i am on vacation so i didn't pack my work clothes, and uh people tend to avoid one if they have a constant aura of death around them, which is why i cloak it with this" Adrian said showing off his stylish wristwatch.

"Did you pack your scythe?" Ericka asked slipping into flirting without realizing it.

Adrian would have blushed if he could, but he did rub his neck sheepishly "It's always with me, why?" he asked daring to look at her.

"Show me" Ericka requested in almost a whisper, Adrian felt like he could actually be blushing and reached into the holster at the side of his leg.

He pulled out a miniaturized scythe but with the press of a button the tool of the reaper returned to its full size.

The handle was about as tall as he was plus an arm made of a twisted dark oak branch, the blade was a shining silver and curved like the crescent moon and as long as an arm or two.

"It's beautiful, but how does this harvest souls or is this to kill people?" Ericka asked, very strangely eager about the aspect of killing people.

Adrian just chuckled at her enthusiasm "It could but it's not normally used for that purpose, how it harvests souls is actually simple, just a simple cut to release the soul and then you gathering it in this bag to empty it into recycling once your shift is over" he explained also showing the small pouch at his hip.

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