Chapter Six

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"Everybody we are pulling up to our next stop, the Deserted Island, it's time to get "lost" on the beach and we hope you'll "find" yourself some fun and relaxation" an announcement said as the ship pulled to a stop next to a deserted island.

"Beach time!" Johnny said carrying all their beach stuff.

"Johnny, you go set everything up, and dad, Val you go get in line for the snow cones" Mavis requested.

"Sure thing, come along honey fang" Valerie smiled taking Dracula's hand and taking a moonlight stroll down the beach with him to the snow cone vendor.

"Welp, i have a date with the captain, so" Adrian trailed off before rushing off back to the ship.

"Did he say date?" Mavis asked.

"He totally did" Johnny agreed.


Adrian, once on the ship, changed into something a bit more stylish but still summery, he changed his tank top to a thin white shirt and his swimming trunks to a pair of thin black pants with black shoes.

Once ready he went to meet with Ericka, and before he knew it he was standing face to face with her "You look radiant" he complimented with a charming smile

Ericka was wearing a simple white full body suit with a yellow flower print and a sunflower in her hair, she was surprised by the compliment and blushed at the smile.

"Oh, thank you i just" she trailed off preening a little.

Adrian chuckled a bit pulling out a seat for her and gesturing for her to take a seat, which she did before he pushed the chair in and took his own seat across from her.

"So, what type of music do you like?" Adrian asked hoping to get a conversation started.

Ericka laughed a bit "The first thing you ask and it's about my taste in music?" she asked.

"Well sure, a couple can't have a rhythm if even the taste in music is too different" Adrian said.

"Calling us a couple are you?" Ericka smirked, as they were served guacamole.

Adrian smirked back "Maybe we will be, if all goes well tonight" he said dipping a handful of chips in the guacamole and eating them.

Ericka blushed before blinking in surprise "You're a big eater i see" she said.

"Not really, well unless the food is something i really like" Adrian said before offering her a chip dipped in guacamole.

"Oh, thank you" Ericka smiled eating the chip.

And from there as they shared the guacamole and easily flowing conversation Ericka forgot all about killing Dracula and started falling more and more for Adrian.


Dracula sighed leaning onto Valerie as they took their time strolling down the beach to the snow cone vendor, hand in hand.

"Finally feeling relaxed?" Valerie asked.

"Yes, i'm willing to admit this surprise did turn out to be lovely" Dracula said.

"Told you so" Valerie smirked at him.

Dracula chuckled a bit and they kissed, Valerie hummed leaning into him "This is the perfect moment" she said.

The words struck a cord in the count, he paused in his steps making Valerie pause too as she turned to him lifting a brow in question.

'I do have the box in my pocket and i'm probably not going to get another perfect moment in a long time, why not' Dracula thought to himself before turning to Valerie with a smile and held her hands in his.

"I can think of something to make this moment even more perfect" he said, then dropped down to one knee.

Valerie's eyes went wide in surprise, even though she had said what she had hoping he'd take the hint, still it was a surprise.

Dracula dug into his pocket, letting her hands go, and took out a small box which he held in his hands "Valerie Grimm, would you want to live forever with me?" he asked opening the box, revealing a ring.(pic)

Valerie blinked, her eyes stung with tears of joy, also that he had quoted one of her favorite songs, "If it's with you i'd dare to love forever" she replied also quoting the song

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Valerie blinked, her eyes stung with tears of joy, also that he had quoted one of her favorite songs, "If it's with you i'd dare to love forever" she replied also quoting the song.

Dracula grinned and put the ring on her finger before springing back up, pulling her in and kissing her passionately.

Valerie kissed back with equal passion, her hands gripping his shirt, they made out for like five minutes before she had to pull back for air.

Dracula smiled laying his forehead on hers as she caught her breath and smiled back at him.

"We should go and tell everyone" he said.

Valerie smirked "Nah, let's not say anything and see how long it takes for someone to notice" she said.

Dracula chuckled a bit "You cheeky devil, let's do it" he grinned.

(A/N: a much shorter one i know, i usually do like a thousand words minimum per chapter but i felt this was a good point to stop this chapter on soooo)

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