Chapter Eight

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After getting to safety Adrian and Ericka shared a look before bursting into laughter, there wasn't even a particular reason why they were laughing.

Adrian chuckled calming down as he stood up and dusted himself off of the sand before offering a hand to Ericka as she was standing up too and pulled her up the rest of the way.

"Ericka" Adrian said "I feel i should be honest, i know we haven't known each other for long but i've fallen in love with you, i Zinged with you" he said.

""Zing?" What's a Zing?" Ericka asked.

"It's a monster thing, an apparently a reaper thing too, basically love at first sight" Adrian explained.

"What? No, no, no, no, you don't even know me" Ericka said.

"Sure i do, i know you like all sorts of music but your favorite is classic ballet, i know you like" Adrian went on to say more but Ericka cut him off.

"No, you don't understand, i can't be with you, i could never be with someone like you, i could never be with a monster, and reapers are worse then monsters" Ericka said before walking off.

Adrian watched her leave, stunned.


Ericka went back to the ship, never looking back and only momentarily pausing infront of the door to the room where her great grandfather was staying, before opening the door.

"You got it!" Abraham laughed.

"Yes" Ericka said dejectedly taking off her backpack, Abraham snatched it from her and got the artifact out of the bag, he chuckled in triumph.

"Now that we have the instrument of destruction our family legacy will be fulfilled but first we'll draw them in with a dance party!" Abraham said.


Adrian was sulking to himself, his wrist watch off so a constant aura of death was swirling around him, not that he cared though he wanted to be alone.

Dracula was surprisingly the one to approach him first, then again maybe not so surprising as a vampire the aura of death had subdued effect on him.

"There's going to be a party you know" Dracula started off.

"Why should i care, never been much into parties anyway" Adrian said.

"Come on, there's dancing and music, i know you're into that" Dracula said.

"No you don't, Valerie told you to say that" Adrian sighed.

Dracula chuckled sheepishly "She did yes, but this is from me, it'd make Valerie really happy if you were to join the dance party" Dracula said.

"Ugh, fine" Adrian grumbled putting on his wrist watch and following the others to the party.

As the crowd of monsters walked down a tunnel Adrian was still sulking but at least he wasn't leaking death, then Valerie approached him.

"I know you Zinged on her" she said.

Adrian sighed slumping down "I botched it, i told her and it totally scared her off, i should of kept my mouth shut" he said figuratively hitting himself over the head with it.

"Well maybe but i think you still did the right thing by telling her" Valerie said trying to cheer him up with a reassuring smile.

"I guess" Adrian allowed with a shrug when the crowd came to a sudden stop, the tunnel had lead them to a drop off but just then a stadium rose out of the sea with lights and a DJ in a clamshell and plenty of room for everyone to dance.

A bridge rose up connecting the stadium and the crowd rushed down the bridge and immiditiatly start off the party, monsters were dancing and there were smiles all around except on Adrian.

Valerie sighed and went over to talk with him again "Maybe you should talk to Ericka" she said.

"And tell her what? She said she could never be with someone like me" Adrian said.

"Hos should i know? Just speak from the heart and it'll come to you" Valerie said.

Adrian groaned a bit "Ugh, now of all times you pick to be a pain in the butt sibling, you've never been a pain in the butt sibling" he complained, but was smiling as he said it.

Valerie giggled at him "That's my job, now go do yours, except not literally, you know what i mean" she said.

Adrian chuckled a bit and hugged her "You're the best little sis, thanks" he said, she hugged him back before he went off to find Ericka but then the lights went out.

"Hey man you're not allowed up here, the DJ booth is a sacred space" the DJ told someone before they were pushed out and a face showed on the screen.

"Who is this?" Dracula asked coming over to Valerie, while watching the screen, there was something familiar about that face.

"Ha! I know you recognise me, your greatest rival!" Abraham said.

Dracula hummed a bit "Oh right, you own that Holiday Inn down by the airport" he said.

"No! It is i, Abraham Van Helsing" he said.

"Van Helsing?! After all these years, you look awful" Dracula said, Valerie snickered a bit as Abraham's face fell.

"Always with the quick insults, well this will shut you up and all monsters, and while your reaper friend is busy collecting souls we'll kill him with his own scythe!" Abraham laughed manically.

"We?" Adrian asked, just as Ericka stepped up behind her great grandfather "So it's you that has been trying to kill Dracula" he then said in realization.

"Well i just, what happened was" Ericka tried but then sighed "Yes" she admitted, the others in the crowd gasped except Adrian keeping his face blank as he analyzed how he felt about that.

Abraham chuckled evilly "At least that one's smart enough to put two and two together, for the rest of you" he trailed off and chuckled again "You tell them" he said turning to Ericka.

"I'm his great granddaughter, i'm Ericka Van Helsing" she said and the crowd gasped again.

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