Chapter Five

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"Hey there monsters" Ericka said into a mic to gain everyone's attention "We are arriving at our first destination" she said before an eruption sprang up infront of them.

"The underwater volcano, everyone grab your scuba gear and get ready to explore the wonders of the sea, especially you count Dracula" Ericka said giving him that sultry look again.

Which did nothing except make him uncomfortable, Valerie seethe in barely contained rage and a sudden increase in the presence of death before it stopped just as suddenly.

"Doesn't sound like she's that into you pal" Frank whispered going over to Adrian.

Adrian growled at him narrowing his eyes "Thank you for the input, really" he deadpanned and walked off following after his sister.

And joining the Dracula family, plus Valerie, in their silly walk after putting on scuba gear, then jumping off the stern of the ship.

(i think that's the right term, feel free to correct me)

"Right this way everyone" A fish man said swimming past them and everyone followed the fish man along to the underwater volcano.

"Welcome to one of the true wonders of the underwater kingdom, i give you Volcano del Fuego or as the local sea life call it" the fish man trailed off into fish speak.

Unbeknownst to everyone Ericka followed them along in a yellow submarine shaped like a fish.

Dennis spotted a white and yellow stripped fish and decided to follow it swimming like the fish did and Dracula followed after him.

Until the fish got eaten by a shark, which Dracula hypnotized and rode it over to Dennis and made it spit the fish out and then taking a ride on the shark with his grandson.

Meanwhile Mavis was surfing on top of a sperm whale, Johnny just barely hanging onto its tail, while Valerie and Adrian were surfing on a giant squid.

Both partied had to abandon their ride though when they started fighting, but both parties just shrugged it off and went to find Drac and Dennis.

They found Drac admiring a sea horse before he started swimming after it imitating it's swimming, and the others decided to follow.

Before they were distracted by a passing by manta ray which Valerie clamed as a surf board and Dracula followed swimming under the manta ray.

Ericka in her sub had launched some wooden stakes but somehow they all missed both Dracula and Valerie, she growled to herself until she noticed Adrian directing the stakes to miss.

While Adrian didn't know who was trying to kill Dracula or how his sister got caught in the crossfire, all he did know was he wasn't going to allow either of them to die, even if it meant using his powers to prevent a death.

The stakes hit a nest of yellow red fish similar to Ericka's sub and they all scrambled over to the big sub, thinking it was like their mother or something.

Dracula noticed it too and gestured for his family to follow as they swam over to it, inside the sub Ericka gasped and tried pedalling away but Drac caught the sub and pulled it, and Valerie, close for a picture.

Mavis took the picture just as Ericka escaped from the sub arousing her suspicions.


Ericka made it back up to the ship but what she didn't know she was shortly followed by some company.

"Frank, we just ate, i can't believe you're hungry already" Griffin said.

"I'm sorry, you know what it is? It's all that seafood just swimming around and when i see food" Frank said trying to make a pun.

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