Chapter Four

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Dracula, after some convincing from Valerie, changed into the vacation clothes she had packed for him, the outfit consisted of stylish white shoes, knee high black sock, white shorts and a stylish shirt printed with skull flowers and leaves.

Though he could not see his reflection he just knew he looked stylish, he went out in a good mood grabbing the waiting Valerie dressed in her own summer outfit, which was a mostly white summer dress with black accents and strap on sandals with a small heel.

"Whoa!" Valerie exclaimed as he spun her around and gave him a questioning look, he just smiled at her and she laughed a bit getting the message and danced with him down the deck strutting their stuff as clearly the hottest couple there.

As they danced down the deck Ericka appeared from the hidden passageway and spotted them, quickly she acted nonchalantly as they passed by before noticing the flare gun and decided to use that to kill Dracula.

Meanwhile Valerie and Drac continued dancing to their own music, he spun her around before dropping her into a splits and then pulling her up to the coordinated dance.

They continued dancing down the deck when Ericka appeared in a vent and shot the flare gun but Dracula spun himself and Valerie out of the way the flare just barely missing them.

Ericka tried again this time by dropping a life boat onto the happy couple but again it just barely missed them.

She growled to herself and momentarily wondered if the reaper, Adrian was interfering, but she couldn't think of a reason why until she remembered Valerie had introduced him as her brother.

Ericka tried one more time though by attempting to smash them with a crate but again Dracula and Valerie just barely got out of the way, this time they were distracted by dolphins jumping in the distance.

And then they continued dancing until they reached the pool.

"Work it, Val and Dracula" Mavis said.

"You know it" Dracula said going past her, Valerie chuckled a bit and thanked her before following Drac.

"Looking good Drac, Val" Frank complemented.

"Feeling good, Frank" Dracula replied, Valerie again just chuckled and thanked him.

"Look at you, so fancy" Eunice said.

"What? This? Please" Dracula said showing off, posing like a model twirling Valerie around with him as she just smiled going along with it and posing with him.

"I picked it you know" she pointed out.

"You know how to pick them" Dracula said "Just look at yourself, so beautiful sweet blood" he complimented trailing kisses along her bare arm up to her shoulders as he pulled her in and held her close.

Valerie blushed and chuckled a bit "Look at you being all spontaneous, i love it" she said flirtatiously.

"Well fashion sense doesn't seem to run in the family" Murray said bringing their attention to the approaching Adrian who was dressed down for once.

His outfit was simple, being just an all white tank top and swimming trunks with minimal gray asymmetrical shapes printed on.

"Nah, he just prefers it casual, and comfy much like myself unless i feel like dressing up, which where we are similar" Valerie explained

"Yep" Adrian simply replied, trying hard not to rub at his eyes, contact lenses were not his thing but they were necessary if he wanted to go for a swim, which he did.

"Mavis!" Dracula suddenly greeted when she stepped out of the pool.

"Having fun?" Mavis asked when Dracula walked up to her.

"Oh i'm having even more fun now that you're here" Dracula said.

"You know dad, i feel really lucky to have this time with you, all of us together, it's really special" Mavis said.

"Me too spider monkey" Dracula said and hugged her.

Mavis hugged him back "Now are you ready for me to destroy you in monster ball?" she then asked floating to look down on him.

"Wohoo! Monster ball!" Johnny cheered lifting Dennis up.

"Come on papa Drac!" Dennis said.

"Bring it on! For i am king of family fun" Dracula said jumping in.

"Come on, you too Val" Mavis said pulling her to the pools edge.

Valerie chuckled a bit "Alright, alright, i'm coming" she said tossing off the summer dress as underneath she was wearing an all black swimsuit with pink accents in the seams.

"Me too, if you don't mind" Adrian said approaching the pool.

"Not at all, you're family too, right?" Valerie asked turning to Mavis.

"Yeah, or at least you will be soon enough" Mavis said shrugging it off.

"Thank you" Adrian smiled a bit before taking off the white tank top revealing his toned muscles in all their glory before jumping in.

"Seriously thank you so much for giving him a chance" Valerie smiled at Mavis and gave her a hug before jumping in herself.

Mavis really wasn't sure what to think of Adrian but she also admitted to herself she didn't really know him, so maybe it was about time that she did.


"Alright! Who is ready to get pummeled?" Adrian smirked holding the ball, which was actually alive.

"I got to warn you, i played second-team coed intramural volleyball at Santa Cruz" Johnny told Frank.

"Sure pal, whatever you say" Frank said un-phased

"Everybody just please, watch the hair, watch the hair!" Eunice yelled.

"Why even join in if you're so scared to get it wet huh madam fussy britches" Valerie taunted putting her own hair into a bun.

"Oh ho, solid burn sis!" Adrian said high fiving with his sister

"Let's go! Let's do this!" Dracula complimented already to go.

"Oh my gosh this is gonna be so much fun!" Mavis said.

"Get ready! Here comes the pain!" Adrian called setting the ball and then striking it.

"Spike!" Vlad called bumping the ball.

"Not the hair! Not the hair!" Eunice said hitting the ball away from her and towards Johnny who panicked and ducked out of the way but Valerie saved it by bumping the ball.

Then Dracula came in and spiked the ball splashing water on Eunice and ruining her hair.

Team Drac cheered as they won the first point.

"Captain Ericka you are needed on deck" a fish man announced snapping the captain, that had been spying on the family fun time in a tube, out of whatever trance Adrian's abs had put her in.

"Next stop bye bye Dracula" Ericka said going back down the tube.

"Next set, on!" Adrian said again setting the ball and striking it towards Vlad, who scared the ball into going the other way, but Mavis bumped it away sending the ball soaring.

Frank saw his opportunity and spiked the ball so hard it caught on fire.

"Oh baby, i got this" Dracula said and froze the ball before bumping it "Come to mama!" Valerie said and spiked the ball as hard as she could scoring their second point when no one on the opposing side bumbed it back.

"Yes!" She cheered latching onto Drac, hugging him, as everyone else cheered too.

"Nicely done my sweet" Dracula grinned hugging her back.

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