Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Even with everything happening over those last few weeks in Arloerin, the nights were some of the best sleep Dessa had gotten in her life. That was quite possibly because of who she was sleeping beside, wrapped in his arms, fingers intertwined, legs tangled together. Elys's breath brushed against the side of her neck as he snored softly, a sound that lulled her to sleep the night before and one she looked forward to for all nights to come. The corner of her mouth curled upward as she shifted to lay on her back, turning her head look at him.

Her mother always used to say how she liked to watch him sleep when he was little, especially when Lyv and Elys first found each other. Dessa knew what she meant. He looked so young and innocent, even though he would be twenty-seven in just a few short months. In his unconsciousness, he didn't have the weight of the title of Seer of Ikreus hanging over his head, no worries or responsibilities.

Dessa reached up and gently traced her fingertips along his cheek, then down the stubble along his jawline. It had been a few days since he shaved and his hair was a mess from sleep, but she loved the rugged handsomeness so much that it had her stomach twisting into a delicious knot. So much so that she found herself leaning forward and kissing the side of his mouth.

It took a few more light kisses along his nose, cheek, and jaw to finally rouse Elys from sleep. By then, he'd shifted onto his back, eyes still closed even though he was awake, and hauled Dessa on top of him. She took advantage of the position, though, trailing the rest of her kisses down his neck to his shoulder.

Elys groaned, covering his eyes with his hand before swiping it down his face as Dessa propped herself up on his chest. "That was the way I wanted to wake you up today, you know."

His rough, groggy voice had Dessa smiling. "Well, I beat you to it."

"Tomorrow then. Definitely tomorrow."

Her smile didn't fade when he finally managed to open his eyes to stare up at her. Her heart and mind felt lighter than it had in those past weeks and she had no doubt he could see it. The look she caught flash across his face had her smile dropping.

"What's that look for?" she asked him, reaching up to smooth the lines between his furrowed brows.

With one hand pressed to the small of her back, his other trailed up along her spine to curl through the ends of her unbound hair. He was looking at her mouth. "That's one of the first true smiles I've seen from you in weeks. I...I've missed it."

The corners of her mouth curled up once more, though this smile held a hint of solemness. "I haven't felt like myself since we got here."

"But telling me everything last night helped?"

"It did," she nodded, tracing a fingertip along his bottom lip. "And thank you. I don't think I said that."

Leaning up, Elys kissed the underside of her jaw. "You're welcome. You never have to hide anything from me, Dessa Jai. I only want what's best for you."

Dessa tightened her hold on him and shifting so her forehead was pressed against his, their noses brushing. "Same goes for you, Seer."

His fingers threaded through her hair again as he closed those few breaths between them. Their kiss was soft and sweet and just what she was needing...though she cut if off when he was trying to coax her into deepening it. Grinning again, Dessa shifted to straddle his hips but had to swallow back a groan when a certain part of him pressed between her legs. Just by the spark that lit up his gaze, he knew...and lifted beneath her, pretending to get in a more comfortable position.

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