Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Dessa knew two things whenever she and Elys exited the portal hand in hand.

One: this Asturia was one she'd never seen before. She was used to everything being bright and cheerful for the water magic territory. Instead, shops were closed, people had barricaded themselves in their homes, and dozens of guardsmen in silver and blue uniforms patrolled the streets. There was no laughter or color or people talking or children screaming with delight. Dessa felt the gravity of the current situation as everyone prepared for the imminent attack.

And two: Cleo and Adeena weren't with them.

"What happened?" Dessa asked Elys, looking around for them and yet only making herself dizzy. "We're not supposed to be here at this time. Where are Cleo and Adeena?"

"No idea. They're not here yet though. The portal...I think it's taken them somewhere completely different than intended. And not this time either. They're still...traveling," he answered, then started tugging her forward by the hand.

"We're not here the day of the siege."

Elys's expression was grim. "I don't know what happened, but it's a few days before. Eamon, Milena, and Archer are already here. Have been for a little while. We need to find them, make sure they got to the apothecary."

"Guess we're going to have to train more with our time portals, huh?"

"I think it's best to keep your hood up, too. The Deverell streak in your hair and yet no one knowing who you are? Not a great combination."

"And you?" she questioned while arranging her hood over her head to cover her hair and obscure her face. They began walking through the city, so different from what she'd grown up with. "Will you be recognized?"

He shook his head. "This was months before Lyv even learned of my existence. Everyone knew the Seer of Ikreus was a child in Ethran, but I wasn't as important at this moment in time as I would become later. I had visions of what would happen here, of course, and kept my master informed. He thought it would be a possible opportunity should Guinevere actually succeed. He didn't like when I told him she wouldn't."

It didn't take them long to get to the palace stronghold. It was just as Dessa had always known it. The main stone building was white with several stories and a steeped, dark gray roof. Several towers and smaller wings were connected to it by walkways and open arches. And, of course, as soon as they got close enough, the sounds of water moving slowly around it, creating a sort of mote they had to cross a bridge to get over to the entrance of the courtyard.

Dessa kept her head low and eyes up as they got close. The palace was converted into a shelter with so many people around. There were lines for food and drink, families sitting around with bags of belongings resting at their feet.

She couldn't help but look up at the ballroom when they finally got through the crush of people. The building structure was slightly different from the glass and stone she'd grown up going to parties in and running around with Milena when it was just the two of them. Cots were lined up in several rows, about two dozen people were passing out food and water, and about a dozen more were trying to get to each and every one who needed some sort of help.

Dessa immediately spotted her aunt Laurel, then her grandfather Alberich when he went up to her to speak quietly. Both of them looked like they were running on just a few hours of sleep, but knew what they were doing needed to be done.

"Where do we need to go?" Dessa whispered to Elys then.

But he was staring up at the ballroom infirmary entrance.

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