Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

After having brought him back from the land of light and shadows, Adeena wanted to send Destan right back herself.

The way Fin's onyx eyes met his and widened with fury and rage had her realizing there was no going back, no getting out of this, no saving all of the people who were here in the ballroom with them.

The darkness pouring into the room was another.

"Go!" Cleo shouted at her, pointing both her and Dessa to where Elys and Eamon were waiting. "Through the shadows! We need to get somewhere that's not here!"

Dessa was the first to bolt forward, weaving through the dancing couples who could now all speak. They didn't, though, but rather screamed and cried as they continued their elegant waltz around the dance floor in blood splattered ballgowns and suits. She'd reached for Elys's outstretched hand, allowing for her to be pulled through with him. Milena and Archer were pushed through next by Eamon, who stayed behind.

Adeena was next, but not before Destan was by her side. He'd jumped pasted a raging Fin and off the stage, bolting toward her before crashing into her side. All but lifting her off her feet, they ran to where Eamon waited, screaming for them to hurry.

There was a reason they needed Fin's dark shadows began to devour the room one by one.

Screams of terror echoed throughout as they ran with Cleo close on their heels.

Those screams were quickly silenced as the darkness enveloped them, including the man and his wife and daughter up on the stage, finally free from their cursed binding.

They didn't run, though, knowing there was nowhere they could run to.

Instead, they held onto each other with tears streaming.

Before they disappeared.

Adeena choked out a sob as soon as she lost sight of them, ignoring the look of pure rage on Fin's face as his shadows surrounded him, curling around his body, twining around his arms and through his fingers.

Cleo pushed them through her shadows just as he hurled it toward them.

It wasn't like going through the portals. Instead, Cleo's shadows were gentle, even if their landing wasn't as such. Both Adeena and Destan hit the hard ground, rolling with each other and feeling the scrapes and bruises forming on their arms from the impact. The others were helping them stand, talking over one another and yelling for Cleo and Eamon, who were the last ones to appear.

It took Adeena a moment to realize where they'd landed. It wasn't far enough away, seemingly just a few streets over from the sounds that were echoing all around.

Familiar screeches.

The rush of darkness completely engulfing the building they'd just left.

Then something else that she'd never seen. That darkness that was nothing more than shadows began infesting everything it touched, rotting it all away. The pops and groans of the metal and glass buildings surrounding them were enough to make them all start cursing.

"Move!" Cleo yelled as she locked her hand around Adeena's. "Move now!"

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