Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Dessa was pacing the floor of the library, arms crossed over her chest, and chewing nervously on her thumbnail. Gaze unfocused, her thoughts turned over and over in her head, wondering what kind of torture her father was putting Elys through. It had been hours since she last saw them. Jai had clasped Elys on the shoulder as everyone finished breakfast and they headed out of the kitchen. She had no idea where they'd gone, but Elys was silent on the other end of the bond. There, but quiet.

"You're going to wear a hole in the rug if you keep pacing like that, Dessa."

She paused, glancing over at Cleo and Adeena, seated beside each other on the sofa. "It's been hours."

"And Jai knows how to make interrogation and intimidation last that long," she grinned. "He loves Elys. I highly doubt he's going to kill him." She turned to Adeena, eyes sparkling. "But you could bring him back if he did end up doing it."

Adeena nodded with a shrug of one shoulder. "I could, should it come to that."

Dessa rolled her eyes and started pacing again. "Would you two stop? I'm nervous enough. I've tried to let Elys know to meet us here whenever he was free, but I'm not getting a word from him."

"He'll be here," they both told her.

She took several more steps before stopping, letting out a deep sigh. "Can we continue training so I don't have to think about what they're talking about? It'll get my mind off it."

That was a total lie, though, because even when they continued testing and training her magic, there was always a knot of dread in her stomach. Even when Milena, Eamon, and Archer came on Elys's request, sitting around to watch and encourage her. Even when Lenora ran inside, shouting that Momma and Daddy said they wanted to go out for dinner with just the five of them.

Five. Meaning Elys was included.

And if their father was the one to suggest it...

Dessa's heart jumped in her throat when the door opened again and a calm looking Elys walked inside. Len was already running toward him when Dessa took a step forward. Her baby sister launched herself into Elys's arms, chattering happily before leaning forward to give him a smacking kiss on the cheek and wiggling free from his hold. He was smiling as he watched her race past him, slamming the door behind her.

Elys's sparkling, mismatched blue eyes met hers as they met in the middle.

"Everything all right?" she asked hesitantly. "No cuts or bruises? Threats to your life?"

"Cuts and bruises, no. And if there were, I'd just have you heal them."

"And get caught like we did earlier? No, thank you."

"I think Jai's going to learn how to announce himself or knock before coming into a room."

Her face flushed scarlet as she hid her face against his chest. "Gods above..."

"And as for threats on my life, of course, he did. I wouldn't have expected anything less."

Dessa took a few breaths to steady herself, wrapping her arms around his waist, then leaning back to look up at him. "Are you two all right?" she whispered.

Elys reached up to brush stray strands of hair away before cradling her face in his hands. "Des, you don't have to worry. Sure, it's going to take a little while for him and everyone else to get used to seeing us now, but they're happy. Jai included. They've known this would happen eventually and already anticipated it, but it's different when it's finally reality."

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