Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

"They got rid of my room."

"They didn't get rid of it, exactly. It's been over twenty years. It was a way to almost move on."

"Granted, they didn't think I'd be coming back."


"But Laurel...she destroyed my favorite jacket. I feel betrayed by my twin sister."

At that, Adeena let out a loud laugh that echoed throughout the hallway they walked down. "She just made it hers as a way to keep you close. And I've seen it. It fits her very well."

The blank stare Destan gave her had her laughing again. "Still...rude."

"I'll be sure to let her know to have another one made. Jai's bringing some clothes for you. Be patient."

"I have to rag on my big brother, don't I? Sure, he might be a mate, husband, and father now, but his younger brother can still annoy the hell out of him, right?"

"And I think he'll happily take every jab you throw at him. All of them will. Because they have you back after wanting you here for so long."

Destan's smile never left his face in the following hours they'd spent with his family. Too much needed to be said and everyone – everyone – wasn't willing to part with him as they made their way inside. That included Adeena, though it was more of him not wanting to be parted from her. He never let go of her hand and still hadn't. A tether to keep him secure to the world and to the time he was in now, almost as if he still couldn't believe it himself.

By the time they'd made their way inside, several of the palace staff had seen Destan in the garden with his family. There were sobs and excited cries before they all ran back inside, practically screaming about how Destan had somehow miraculously returned to them. Word spread quickly after that throughout the palace before finally spilling into the streets of Ayveri. Though he hadn't made an appearance yet, so many people were gathered around the front gates, which the guardsmen had to close since they were streaming into the palace grounds. They would soon get the hint that they'd have to wait until the following day.

With all of the excitement, their group's exhaustion hadn't been noticed. But as soon as they'd sat down in one of the sitting rooms, everyone still wanting to be close to Destan, the hours long physical, mental, and emotional torment of the rescue hit every one of them. Dessa practically fell asleep on top of Elys, holding a chattering Len in her lap. The three-year-old poked at both her sister and the Seer's cheeks to wake them up, but Dessa just pulled her closer to her chest before snuggling them both against Elys's. Adeena caught the looks that Lyv and Jai shared after they saw them, which had her own smile curling on her lips.

After an impromptu dinner crowded in the kitchen, Alexea broke the news to Destan that his room had been converted into another guest room, which just happened to be the one Adeena was staying in. Of course, he had to give her and Emmeric hell for it in a joking manor, but they just took it with smiles and grace.

When they were all headed up to bed, Elys and Eamon all but carrying Dessa and Milena upstairs, Alexea held Destan for a few moments longer, tears once again falling. "I've missed you so much, my sweet boy," she whispered to him.

Destan secured his arms around his mother, kissing the side of her head. "I've missed you, too, even though it's not been nearly as long for me."

Now, Adeena and Destan were walking hand in hand down the hallway toward Adeena's and now Destan's room. With every step, Adeena's stomach twisted into knots, knowing she'd be sharing a room with him. She didn't know why she was so nervous, but maybe because this was Destan.

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